Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Shit I Found Saturdays


Welcome to Shit I Found Saturdays, Pranksters!

Every week, I try to find some awesome shit around the ‘net to show you because, well, I feel sorta guilty for the whole “whinging about my divorce” crap.

Everyone needs a good laugh now and again.

This week, I’m dedicating my Saturday to the wonderful people of Band Back Together who have supported me, picked me up, dusted me off, and made me whole again; reminding me that truly, none of us are alone.

Even me.

Shit That’s Awesome:

I won an award. No, scratch that. I didn’t win this alone. My wonderful team of volunteers, our brave groups of writers and supporters, we won this award. To any of you who’ve read, lurked, commented, volunteered, written, or supported Band Back Together, we won this.

I sincerely hope that each of you reading these words know that you’re always welcome to write your stories of darkness and light, to drag your skeletons from the closet, and remind ourselves of one simple fact:

We are none of us alone: we are all connected.

Everyone has a story. Please tell us yours.

Shit I Read:

Kids Are Fucking Petri Dishes

Just A Fever (bring tissues)

Shit I Wrote:

Shit about saving cash and shit.

Amelia Has A Temper. SURPRISE TO NO ONE.

Shit I Did:

Posed In A Calendar

Ordered one of these (free!)

Here’s hoping it’s not fug.

Shit That’s Hilarious:

shit I Found SaturdaysWhoops!

shit I found saturdaysvia Perez Hilton

shit I found saturdays

Shit I Listened To:


 How was YOUR week, Pranksters?

Because, I’ll be honest, until this afternoon, mine has been awful. Just a hard week.

Next week, though, will be better.

Shit I Found Saturdays


Welcome to Shit I Found Saturdays, Pranksters! Every week, I try to find some awesome shit around the ‘net to show you because, well, I feel sorta guilty for the whole “whinging about my divorce” crap. And everyone needs a good laugh now and again.

Play along below!

Shit That’s AWESOME:

Shit I Found Saturdays

While I have a long winded post in the works about it, we pulled it together. We got the Band Back Together for mental illness AND made a snazzy calendar! I can’t wait to put mine up… which means I should PROBABLY ORDER ONE. Click the button to keep the lights on over at The Band! (or just because you’re an office supply nerd like me.)

Proceeds from the 2013 Band Back Together Calendar will be used for outreach efforts in 2013.

Band Back Together runs as a nonprofit, meaning we do not profit from any incoming funds. All proceeds go directly into Band efforts like server costs or community outreach.

Shit That’s Hilarious:

Barack Obama is tired of your shit.

Power-Up Arcade Light – I totes want this for my new place.

Shit I Did:

I was totally in a book (motherfucker) and it’s awesome. Really proud of it.

Shit I Wrote:

Stuffs about budgeting


Kindergarten Drop-off, Yo

Shit I Saw:

shit I found saturdays

And this may make you die of laughing:

shit I found saturdays

Shit That Made Me Pee Myself:

I’m a SUCKER for a good montage:

Shit I Listened To:


So what’s new with YOU, Pranksters? Those damn link things never work for me, so tell me, how’s things?

Shit I Found Saturdays


Welcome to Shit I Found Saturdays, Pranksters! Every week, I try to find some awesome shit around the ‘net to show you because, well, I feel sorta guilty for the whole “whinging about my divorce” crap. And everyone needs a good laugh now and again.

Play along below!

(If the linky thing isn’t being buggy, I mean.)

Shit I Read:

Don’t Dissect Your Friends – it’s a DAMN good reminder.

A Letter I Can’t Send: From The Ex Wife To The New Wife: Heartbreaking and true.

Shit I Wrote:

Puppy Love

Goodwill Shopping

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Shit That’s Weird:

I’m in a BOOK, yo.

Shit That’s Hilarious (Because it’s TRUE):

shit I found saturdays

shit I found saturdays

Shit That’s Fucking Scary:

shit I found saturdays

I’d kind of like it more if it made reference to MySpace, but you can’t have it all.

shit I found saturdays

It may be hard some days, but everyday, I’m able wake up thrilled that I do not, in fact, own this.

shit I found saturdays

Do these cause cramps or alleviate them? I JUST DON’T KNOW.

Shit I Watched That’s Pretty Fucking Depressing (Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You):


(depression is a lying liar who lies)


So what rad shit did YOU do/see/find this week? I’m hoping this link-thing works. They’re so damn buggy.


Shit I Found Saturdays


Shit I Found Saturdays is a weekly feature here at Mommy Wants Vodka, that’s more fun than a basket of kittens,  except that the Internet is mostly closed on Saturdays.


Who likes RULES anyway? 

So, let’s fuck that noise and get into cool shit we’ve found around the Internet and bring Saturday back.

It’s like bringing Sexy Back but awesomer.

Join in! We have donuts!

(that’s a lie)

Shit I Read:

Does The Internet Lack Social Etiquette Rules?

Craig’s List Conversations: The Trilogy

Bye-Bye Bacon

Shit I Wrote Other Places:

My Life On the Frugal Side blog has some neato posts (mostly from people smarter than me, but let’s face it – that’s most of the world). I started this blog as a way for me to keep track of ways to live on the cheap. Guest posts are always welcome.

(Barely) Surviving Parenthood – The comments are always a gas.

Shit That’s Hilarious:

shit I found saturdays

Shit I Wish I Were Doing:

Intervention Convention: hosted by one of my very best friends on Teh Internetz, I spoke last year. This year? I gotta sit it out. So you go and tell me what it’s all about.

Shit I Watched ‘Til I Pissed Myself:

Shit People Need Help With:

Prankster Lindsey is going to lose her home. If’n you want to help, go here and help her keep her kids in her home.

Shit That Sounds Like Awesome:

I fucking love giving my opinion about things – I’m always fighting Dave to be the person to answer the phone. Internet surveys FTW!

Shit Around My Blog:

I’m on The Facebook.

And The Twitters.


Now it’s YOUR turn, Pranksters?

What rad shit have you found this week?

Shit I Found Saturdays


Shit I Found Saturdays is a weekly feature here at Mommy Wants Vodka, that’s more fun than a basket of kittens,  except that the Internet is mostly closed on Saturdays.


Who likes RULES anyway? 

So, let’s fuck that noise and get into cool shit we’ve found around the Internet and bring Saturday back.

It’s like bringing Sexy Back but awesomer.

Join in! We have donuts!

(that’s a lie)

Shit I Read This Week:

(Cake) Balls In Your Mouth: Drunk baking? Brunk Daking? Who knows. It’s just fucking hilarious.

Reused Books and a Love Note: Bring tissues. It’s a wonderful story from a great friend.

Cratering: I haven’t stopped laughing.

Shit I Wrote:

Songs To Break Up To – Why? Because every breakup needs a soundtrack.

Bedtime Battles Rage On: My kids hate sleep. Clearly, we’re not related.

Shit I That Made Me Shit Myself:

Stand back, ladies. He’s my new boyfriend. I’m not fucking around.

Shit That Made Me Realize I Need Photoshop:

And who could forget my favorite diabetic?

shit I found saturdays

Which reminds me of….

(which my kids jam out to – substituting “Penis” for “diabeetus.” Because we’re related)

Shit That Just…Listen:

And if you’re feeling particularly suicidal, DO NOT listen to this one:

Shit That Scares Me:

shit I found saturdays

Shit Around My Blog:

Blogroll, yo. You want on it (if’n I’m on yours).

I do ads.

I’m on The Facebook.

And The Twitters.

Also THIS.


Now it’s YOUR turn, Pranksters?

What rad shit have you found this week?

Shit I Found Saturdays


Shit I Found Saturdays is a weekly feature here at Mommy Wants Vodka, that’s more fun than a basket of kittens,  except that the Internet is mostly closed on Saturdays.


Who likes RULES anyway? 

So, let’s fuck that noise and get into cool shit we’ve found around the Internet and bring Saturday back.

It’s like bringing Sexy Back but awesomer.

Join in! We have donuts

(that’s a lie)

Shit I Did This Week:

I started THIS – a guide to more frugal living. Why? Because I’m moving out on my own at 32 years old and you can TOTALLY laugh at me as I try to make it work. Sometimes, you can also find deals (usually via email address) because PR people email me deals ALL THE TIME.

Shit I Read:

What SHOULD Happen When Parents Split? This post from my girl Al, was probably one of the most important things I’ve read. Al’s younger than me, so she has a different perspective, but she’s a beautiful writer and she makes me feel better about the who “D Word.”

To Have or Not Have Another: My girl Crys talks about the stress of deciding to have another kid while dealing with her son who has leukemia. Bring tissues.

Shit I Wrote:

I’m a Lifecoach!

Swan Song

Shit I Watched:

Shit I Want:

shit I found saturdays

Shit That’s Hysterical:

shit I found Saturdays(nice bridesmaid dress, honey)

Shit That’s Epic:

shit I found Saturdays

I aim to be that guy. Someday…(wistfully)

shit I found Saturdays-Via Aubrey

Shit Around My Blog:

Blogroll, yo. You want on it (if’n I’m on yours).

I do ads.

I’m on The Facebook.

And The Twitters.


Now it’s YOUR turn, Pranksters?

What rad shit have you found this week?

Shit I Found Saturdays


Shit I Found Saturdays is a new feature here at Mommy Wants Vodka, which is more fun than a basket of kittens,  except that the Internet is mostly closed on Saturdays. Whatever. Who likes RULES anyway?  So, let’s fuck that noise and get into cool shit we’ve found around the Internet and bring Saturday back.

It’s like bringing Sexy Back but awesomer.

Join in! We have donuts

(that’s a lie)

Shit I Read:

Apparently, the Olympics are all porny this year. If I’d known that, I’d be watching it.

From Paul.

Map Of My (her) Brain – I feel suddenly normal. Okay, not really normal, but you know.

Sevens – Mr. Lady wrote what was in my head.

Time Lapse Lolla – My partner in crime, Dawn, writes about Day 2 of Lollapalloza

Shit I Wrote:

One Moment in Time

Why My Daughter is AWESOME – (it’s best to read the comments on my blogs there – I swear, it’s worth it)

Shit I Watched:


-From RR

Shit That’s Hysterical:


I need to own this.

And this:

shit I found Saturday


don't dis terry

Shit That’s Rad:

shit I found saturdaysvia the lovely swalumni

Shit That Makes Me Want To Own Photoshop:

So You’re a Hipster (and other warning labels that should really exist)

Birds…With Motherfucking ARMS

submitted by Rachel.

Shit Around My Blog:

Blogroll, yo. You want on it (if’n I’m on yours).

I do ads.

I’m on The Facebook.


Now it’s YOUR turn, Pranksters? What rad shit have you found this week?

I’m around today, so I can add it to the post (and go back and fix last week’s)

Shit I Found Saturdays


Shit I Found Saturdays is a new feature here at Mommy Wants Vodka, which is more fun than a basket of kittens,  except that the Internet is mostly closed on Saturdays. Whatever. Who likes RULES anyway?  So, let’s fuck that noise and get into cool shit we’ve found around the Internet and bring Saturday back.

It’s like bringing Sexy Back but awesomer.

Join in! We have donuts (lies)

Shit I Read:

This changes the entire way I view the world. A must-read. If you read NOTHING else this week, have it be this.

Reasoning With Vampires – for those of us who realize how grammatically incorrect Twilight is. (Tooks, I’m looking at YOU here)

Criggo – awesome collection of headlines that show precisely WHY newspapers are going the way of the (insert endangered species here).

Shit I Wrote:

Over at The Stir – I’m talking about mah kids.

10 of the WORST Pick-Up Lines

Freeeeedom! It’s one of the best things I’ve written in awhile. I love being able to use my words again.

Shit I Watched:

Shit That’s Fucking Hilarious:

Shit I Saw (Shut UP, Pervo):

Shit I Found Saturdays John C Mayer

It’s clear that John C. Mayer is in love with me.

P.S. Maybe I’ll do this for my Christmas Card this year.

shit I found saturdays

Shit Around My Blog:

I offer advertising. If you’re interested, email

I make shirts – most of them are naughty.

I’m revamping my blogroll – if I’m on yours? You should be on mine. (WOW that sounded dirty.) If you’ve already added to the doc, don’t despair – I’m a little behind on this what with moving and all that.

At the moment, I’m removing the Go Ask Aunt Becky button from the site – not because I didn’t love it, but because it seems silly to try to offer advice while I’m starting over. Hoping it WILL be back soon.


Here’s where YOU get to play along for Shit I Found Saturdays, Pranksters!

What have you found, read, seen, or experienced that was RAD this week?

Leave it in the comments and I will TOTALLY try to add it (credit, of course, given)!

(Will be at Lollapalooza for a portion of the evening)

Shit I Found Saturdays


I’m starting Shit I Found Saturdays here on my blog, which will exist only Saturdays, (betcha couldn’t have gleaned that from the name) which is cool except that the Internet is mostly closed on Saturdays. So let’s fuck that noise and get into cool shit we’ve found around the ‘net (I sorta want to punch myself in the throat for saying “the ‘net”) and bring Saturday back.

It’s like bringing Sexy Back but awesomer.

Join in! We have donuts (lies)!

Shit I Read:

Top Ten Reasons I’m Single – She’s stalking him. Not, though, on MySpace, which would be WAY funnier.

Writing Motivation – I’m serious – I know most of you are BIG writers and using this will, I’m sure, get you onto the NYT Bestsellers List.

Living in Backward Land – she writes about living life with a son who has leukemia.

Starbuckets of Love – Who hasn’t slung coffee (or waited tables) and dealt with this person?

Shit I’d Buy if I Wasn’t Broke:

This coffee mug (I made it) – totally rad. I also need it – I don’t know WHY I haven’t gotten myself one.


Submitted by – swalumni

Shit To Make You Feel Like A Lazy-ASs Person:

How To Create Your Own Chalkboard Paint – Super cute. Also? Designed to make you feel like shit about making everything all handmade and shit.

Shit I Couldn’t Fucking Believe:

Drop A Love Bomb: Go read it. Wow.

Shit I Watched:

No Drama Breakup

Shit I Listened To:

You can download Brittany McDonald’s album here.

Shit I Looked At (shut up, Pervo):


(I think we need a Twibbon and a full Internet campaign against BACON ABUSE!)


-Submitted by Maria.

Shit Around My Blog:

Takin’ Ads and Kicking,er NAMES? Anyway, I take ads. Email this address:

If’n You Want On Mah Blogroll (and have me on yours) I’m still working on updating it! Go here to add yourself and scroll down the page to hit the “SUBMIT” button.

I added a paypal and a gofundme button to this post, (which made me feel ooky so pretend I did not say that) which I’m slowly dismantling for all the advice you’ve given – it’s fucking incredible. We should all be so lucky to have such wonderful people on our side. I’ll be replying to all the comments, but becasuse I’m anal, I’m taking notes. SHUT UP I AM NOT TYPE A.


Now it’s your turn. What cool shit have you found? Write it on your own blog and link up or throw it in the comments! Imma try and add them to the big list here (with credit given, natch).

Also? Send me your links throughout the week: can be old shit, new shit you wrote, shit that you found, shit that’s awesome, really anyfuckingthing. Because why not?

Shit I Found Saturdays


I’m starting Shit I Found Saturdays here on my blog, which will exist only Saturdays, (betcha couldn’t have gleaned that from the name) which is cool except that the Internet is mostly closed on Saturdays. So let’s fuck that noise and get into cool shit we’ve found around the ‘net (I sorta want to punch myself in the throat for saying “the ‘net”) and bring Saturday back.

It’s like bringing Sexy Back but awesomer.

Join in! We have donuts (lies)!

Shit I Did:

I put this page together for my blogroll, which I’ve been cleaning out. Totes depressing to see so many abandoned blogs. Fill that shit out – my only request is that if you wanna be on my blogroll, just put me on yours.

I pulled out my hair a lot because holy FUCKS does my site look like dogshit right now. This is why I should never hit “Update” on any WordPress blog, ever.

I wrote this. I loved it.

Shit I Read:

Abraham Lincoln Filed For A Facebook Patent in 1845 – I know this is a prank so ancient that dust poured from my fingers when I typed it, but it’s still fucking hilarious. Also: Pranksters, we NEED to do another prank. OBVS.

Violence – So often we forget how after all is said and done, many of us have been the victim of terrible violence in our lives, and we’re left to “recover” on our own.

Graph Paper Press – this is an old wordpress theme site in which, for a not terrible sum, people who have photoblogs and other actual “art shit” to display, can download, customize and use. I get full of the jealous every time I look because I am not a photoblogger, which means I should be banned from the Internet.

Things I Learned In Wisconsin At A Wedding – who doesn’t like lists? And humor?

Fuck You Firefly, Have You Lost Your Light? – totally brave post about feeling empty and broken after a series of shitty relationships.

Lil Bub – the world’s cutest motherfucking cat. I only wish he made videos where he sang and danced.

Shit That Made Me Smile:

Shit I Found Saturdays

Dude, that cat is totally all sticking his tongue out at me. What the shit?

Shit I Found Saturdays

Source: Band Back Together on Pinterest

Shit That’s Just Fucking Rad:

A mashed potato vending machine:

Shit I Found Saturdays

We live in the motherfucking FUTURE, y’all.

Also: I now have a new thing to lust after.

People Doing Good Shit:

We all know (because I’ve blabbed about it ad nauseum) that I founded and work on a (nearly) non-profit site called Band Back Together, where we work to break down stigmas of mental illness, trauma, sexual abuse, and darkness by bringing them into light. We are, after all, none of us alone. You are all, as always, welcome to post with us.

Turns out? The Internet is rife with people doing good.

My friend Aaron recently launched Kids Cooperate, a site for kids ages 13-15, 16-18, and 18 and over with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Shyness. Kids will be grouped together based upon their needs and interests.

Kids Corporate has eHangouts, an rad use of technology that brings teens together in safe, facilitated friendship circles to socialize and support each other. Using Google’s secure video conferencing technology, groups of 9 peers and a facilitator meet for 30 minute sessions to check in, play games, and hangout in a way that builds confidence, develops social skills, and scaffolds the development of real friendship.

I think that’s fucking awesome.


Shit Other People Found:

shit I found Saturdays

– From Pete in AZ

Now it’s your turn. What cool shit have you found? Write it on your own blog and link up or throw it in the comments!


My site was nominated for Best Humor Blog!
My site was nominated for Hottest Mommy Blogger!
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