Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Shit I Found Saturdays


Welcome to Shit I Found Saturdays, Pranksters! Every week, I try to find some awesome shit around the ‘net to show you because, well, I feel sorta guilty for the whole “whinging about my divorce” crap. And everyone needs a good laugh now and again.

Play along below!

(If the linky thing isn’t being buggy, I mean.)

Shit I Read:

Don’t Dissect Your Friends – it’s a DAMN good reminder.

A Letter I Can’t Send: From The Ex Wife To The New Wife: Heartbreaking and true.

Shit I Wrote:

Puppy Love

Goodwill Shopping

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Shit That’s Weird:

I’m in a BOOK, yo.

Shit That’s Hilarious (Because it’s TRUE):

shit I found saturdays

shit I found saturdays

Shit That’s Fucking Scary:

shit I found saturdays

I’d kind of like it more if it made reference to MySpace, but you can’t have it all.

shit I found saturdays

It may be hard some days, but everyday, I’m able wake up thrilled that I do not, in fact, own this.

shit I found saturdays

Do these cause cramps or alleviate them? I JUST DON’T KNOW.

Shit I Watched That’s Pretty Fucking Depressing (Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You):


(depression is a lying liar who lies)


So what rad shit did YOU do/see/find this week? I’m hoping this link-thing works. They’re so damn buggy.


6 Comments to

“Shit I Found Saturdays”

  1. On September 8th, 2012 at 10:34 am Real Dad Says:

    I always thought and respected Mr. Bean as a good actor so I have no regrets! Haha

  2. On September 8th, 2012 at 1:40 pm The Dad Hatter Says:

    Straight up. Consider yourself lucky if you get Mr.Bean.

  3. On September 8th, 2012 at 11:15 am Urban Mommy Says:

    Yo! I was just reading Elissa Schappell in Modern Love. This drinking book seems like a must read for parents.

  4. On September 8th, 2012 at 12:00 pm Alison Says:

    Thank you Becky!!!! – Ali from Lizzie and Ali

  5. On September 8th, 2012 at 12:16 pm Mayor Gia Says:

    Hah! I loved that sketchy-very sketchy comic. I can’t find a word that would work in that sentence.

  6. On September 8th, 2012 at 2:47 pm alexis (You can call me Al) Says:

    Those cramp tabs are damned scary. Hell, cramps are damned scary. I haven’t experienced them yet, but my time is coming (menarche for me should hit between July and October of 2013, right around hurricane season, and that’s about how much I’m looking forward to it). Those tabs give me the freaks. If my brother reads the ad, he’ll probably give me a whole box of them either for Christmas or my birthday.

    Thinking in terms of a Warren Jeffs scenario, “platform” fills in the blank most suitably.

    P.S. I’m not related to Warren Jeffs, but I have relatives who are related to him. If that doesn’t earn sympathy for me, I don’t know what would.

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