Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Shit I Found Saturdays


Welcome to Shit I Found Saturdays, Pranksters!

Every week, I try to find some awesome shit around the ‘net to show you because, well, I feel sorta guilty for the whole “whinging about my divorce” crap.

Everyone needs a good laugh now and again.

This week, I’m dedicating my Saturday to the wonderful people of Band Back Together who have supported me, picked me up, dusted me off, and made me whole again; reminding me that truly, none of us are alone.

Even me.

Shit That’s Awesome:

I won an award. No, scratch that. I didn’t win this alone. My wonderful team of volunteers, our brave groups of writers and supporters, we won this award. To any of you who’ve read, lurked, commented, volunteered, written, or supported Band Back Together, we won this.

I sincerely hope that each of you reading these words know that you’re always welcome to write your stories of darkness and light, to drag your skeletons from the closet, and remind ourselves of one simple fact:

We are none of us alone: we are all connected.

Everyone has a story. Please tell us yours.

Shit I Read:

Kids Are Fucking Petri Dishes

Just A Fever (bring tissues)

Shit I Wrote:

Shit about saving cash and shit.

Amelia Has A Temper. SURPRISE TO NO ONE.

Shit I Did:

Posed In A Calendar

Ordered one of these (free!)

Here’s hoping it’s not fug.

Shit That’s Hilarious:

shit I Found SaturdaysWhoops!

shit I found saturdaysvia Perez Hilton

shit I found saturdays

Shit I Listened To:


 How was YOUR week, Pranksters?

Because, I’ll be honest, until this afternoon, mine has been awful. Just a hard week.

Next week, though, will be better.

7 Comments to

“Shit I Found Saturdays”

  1. On September 22nd, 2012 at 10:40 am Pete In Az Says:

    I found a chicken:

    So far, I’m up to page 22. I go there when I need a laugh.

  2. On September 22nd, 2012 at 11:16 am @Filthycreatures Says:

    RT @mommywantsvodka: Shit I Found Saturdays dedicated to @bandback2gether

  3. On September 22nd, 2012 at 4:13 pm Amelia Says:

    I haven’t gotten past the first part so I may comment again.

    What an awesome list to be a part of. While I agree you’ve had help along the way, YOU are on that list for a reason. YOUR heart, YOUR soul, and YOUR words are what brings the help in. The friends, volunteers, the stories, we are all here together because of what you have done.

    Own it sista. And thank you.

  4. On September 22nd, 2012 at 6:54 pm Kundan Bhardwaj Says:

    I need vodka too ! It is very amazing to see now lots of women and girls writing some really nice blogs. Best of luck and keep it up.

  5. On September 22nd, 2012 at 9:04 pm Katie Says:

    Shit I Found While Looking Around–Dooce

    Shit I Did When I wasn’t here–Blogess

    This is getting old.

  6. On September 23rd, 2012 at 10:48 am Triplezmom Says:

    You are the reason we’re a “we”.

    My week was busy. So busy that my kids are actually enjoying playing together right now, so there’s that.

  7. On September 23rd, 2012 at 6:11 pm Kristin Says:

    That post from EwokMama just took my breath away. It puts the shit going on in my life into perspective.

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