Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

The Rise of the Phoenix



A week ago if you’d said, “Aunt Becky, are you okay?” I would have happily said, “Fuck yes, I’m full of Awesome!” And I wasn’t lying to you, I was full of Awesome then.

Then Entropy reared her ugly head and smacked her bitch back down with randomness and uncertainty and Aunt Becky fell back down. In information theory, Entropy is a measure of uncertainty and randomness. In social systems, total Entropy is chaos and anarchy. In the body, Entropy the breakdown of all of the different systems as we age.

Entropy. Randomness. Uncertainty.

I’ve struggled with those burdens much of my life and I know that those are the spaces where I will grow and change and be reborn. As many tears as I will shed in the coming weeks; as many nights as I will toss and turn, I will come through the other side stronger and better.

The things I’m struggling with now, they’re not new issues and I’m remiss to even address them because someone will pop up and remind me, “Well ACTUALLY, Aunt Becky, those aren’t such bad problems! You know, there are legless people in Africa who WISH they had those problems.” And then I will be on the defense about why I am upset and that’s not the point.

It’s time to plow my cart and bones over the dead, whip those skeletons back out of my closet and teach them the Foxtrot. It’s time to be reborn again. I can feel it.

It’s fitting too, because today is the day that I’m getting my Phoenix tattoo finished. Of my three tattoos, it’s my favorite. The other two are excellent, of course, as well, but this one, this one is the most beautiful, biggest, most elegant, and most important of them all.

Because out of chaos, order will always emerge. For all of us.


I’ll be back later with more pictures.

Love you, Pranksters.


Why don’t you tell Your Aunt Becky about YOUR tattoos? Do you have any? Do you WANT any?


Over at Toy With Me talking about my Treehouse of Horrors!

172 Comments to

“The Rise of the Phoenix”

  1. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:19 am Amy Mayfield Says:

    No tattoos, I am a wuss and think I have MUCH too short an attention span to permanently but something on my body. I mean, I can’t commit to a lipstick for the love of it!
    Can’t wait to see more pics.

  2. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:40 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    That makes COMPLETE sense. Tattoos are SO not for everyone.

  3. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:43 am Titanium Says:

    I do, I do.

    A ring that encircles the base of my big toe: the word, “Endure” engraved on each step I take.

    I have. I am. I will.

    That’s all I’ve got.

  4. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:21 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I love it. That’s perfection.

  5. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:46 am avasmommy Says:

    Beautiful. So are you.

    No tattoos for me. I think they look great on other people, but it’s just not for me.

  6. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:21 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    And that is perfectly respectable. Also, thank you. I needed that today.

  7. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:52 am Melanie @ Forty Degree Day Says:

    I have….four. They’re terribly addicting.

    I always struggle with the global insignificance of my own problems (children starving SOMEWHERE in the world is way worse than dealing with PTSD, my brain says), but I’ve learned that my own personal struggles, while perhaps not on the basic shelter/food level, are still struggles. No less important, just different.

    Lots of love to my favorite whore.

  8. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:24 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I think we’d all become paralyzed with grief if we stopped to think about how hard the problems are for other people. We’re selfish because we have to be to survive. PTSD is no joke and no cakewalk. I have it too, and it’s flaring up fiercely.

    xoxo, you sexy whore. I love you madly.

  9. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:56 am Peggy Brister Says:

    I have quite a few tattoos myself. You can’t see any of them if I am dressed though. I did that on purpose because people will judge you for being inked up. I have a big sunflower on my inner left ankle. I have a sunflower around my belly button with a vine going down my abdomen. There a big vine going across from one hip bone to the other ending with a sunflower on each hip bone (yeah the hipbone tats HURT like a MF’er) then I have my husbands name under the belly vine. I have a big dragonfly on my back with my last name under the dragonfly. I think I am done with the tats. I haven’t wanted another one in a few years so I am thinking I am through. The last one I got on my back hurt pretty bad and I was like WTF ARE YOU DOING dumbass this shit HURTS!!

  10. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:39 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    With the exception of wearing something really strappy, mine are able to be covered up when I get dressed, too. That was important to me. You’re right, people DO judge you for being inked.

  11. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:04 am Becky Mochaface Says:

    No tattoos. And not sure I’ll ever get one as I never like one design for longer than a couple months to be willing to make a lifetime commitment to it. But that phoenix is beautiful!

  12. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:43 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Oh yeah, I dig that completely. And THANK you. I cannot wait to see the finished product today!

  13. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:07 am Chris Illuminati Says:

    Sweeeet. Love it.

    I’ve got one myself, looking to sleeve half my arm in the next year.

  14. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:37 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I love, love, love sleeves. I want one.

  15. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:07 am hellresidentNY Says:

    I also have a phoenix tattooed on myself. Located on my left arm, along with a scorpion on the right arm, an Ouroboros with Egyptian hieroglyphs and a Death’s Head moth all on the back of my left shoulder. Haven’t decided what I want for a fifth. Your phoenix looks lovely.

    Sarted reading your blog recently and am really liking the quality so far. Keep up the great work.

    – hellresidentNY (fellow prankster)

  16. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:08 am hellresidentNY Says:

    I also have a phoenix tattooed on myself. Located on my left arm, along with a scorpion on the right arm, an Ouroboros with Egyptian hieroglyphs and a Death’s Head moth all on the back of my left shoulder. Haven’t decided what I want for a fifth. Your phoenix looks lovely.

    Started reading your blog recently and am really liking the quality so far. Keep up the great work.

    – hellresidentNY (fellow prankster)

  17. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:43 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Wow. Those sound amazing! Seriously awesome. When I come to NY this summer, I hope to meet you IN PERSON so I can see these.

  18. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:08 am Delicia Says:

    No tattoos, but I daydream about getting one or two. I can just never seem to find one that I feel would be The One, plus I’m leery of getting one and then much later I’ll be like 90 and have this saggy scary Droopy the Dog that used to be a magnificent wolf or something.

  19. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:42 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Bwahahahahaha! *wipes eyes* Bwahahahahahahaa! Or like the armbands that looked badass once? Bwahahahahaha!

  20. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:17 am CatPS Says:

    Your tattoo is beautiful, but I must admit that I am scared to death of getting one. I’ll lay awake at night knocking myself for some random stupid thing that I said YEARS ago… I’d probably end up slicing my own skin off if I got one and ended up less than 100% happy about it. However I have always said that if for some reason I competed in the Olympics (yeah RIGHT!!) but if I did, I would get the Olympic rings tattooed somewhere. It would have to be something equally huge and life-changing for me. But I looooove henna, and want to get something really intricate this summer!

    Hang in there AB, and draw your comfort from whatever you can. Sure, there are legless kids in Africa dying of AIDS without clean water to drink, but that shouldn’t diminish the emotions that you are feeling. Instead of looking at that sort of idea as taking away from the importance of your own feelings, look at it as a way to try to find some perspective and shift your focus to the wonderful things in your life. You’ll be back on top sooner or later, entropy be damned!

  21. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:41 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I made sure to TRY and get mine in places that wouldn’t stretch when I had babies. Like, you know, my stomach. Because I didn’t want to get something that would sag and turn hideous when I got pregnant and then NOT pregnant.

  22. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:19 am Jo Says:

    I gots me 2 – they are simple, and kinda boring, but they mean things. My first is the word Angel in Japanese on my back (and I’ve checked, it’s right :p) for my daddy who I lost when I was 7. I have a star on my ankle, that was a spur of the moment decision when I finally met my best internet friend in real life and had one of those OHEMGEE we’ve known each other FOREVER kind of connections, and we got matching tattoos. I need a third now, for my mammy who I lost 3 years ago, and still haven’t picked a design for – mainly cos she HATED my tattoos, so maybe my third tattoo is the invisible one for my mammy that she never wanted me to get.

  23. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:40 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I think so long as they mean something to you, they can be whatever they want, you know?

  24. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:23 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Can’t wait to see the pictures. And I’ll blog about my problems when I can form sentences that don’t go, “and then, and then, and then, and then!” ala, “MARSHA, MARSHA, MARSHA!!”

  25. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:29 am amber Says:

    First of all, just tell whoever says your problems aren’t worthy to go fuck themselves. Legless Africans might want them, but I sure don’t.

    Second of all, I hope you feel better soon. Demon slaying is no fun.

  26. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:35 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I’m tired of the demons. I’m so, so tired of them. Thank you for your love. I needed it.

  27. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:30 am Suzie Says:

    I don’t have one. Yet. I keep chickening out. If I ever get one, it will likely incorporate music somehow. But then I think, I haven’t been playing piano much in recent years so is it that meaningful in my world now? Yes, it is, but is it tattoo worthy? I just don’t know. The other thing I thought about doing was a peach or strawberry or something with Sniff written above it. It’d have to be tiny and somewhere not obvious to anyone. It’s a nickname my best (guy) friend gave me in high school and it’s annoying but it’s special. However, my husband who is every now and then jealous of said best friend would probably shit a brick if I got a tattoo honoring another dude. Best friend or not. LOL

  28. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:40 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I think when you’re ready, you just know. I knew what I wanted for YEARS before I got ’em. Then again, maybe you just should jump in with both feet! I dunno. Dave was all “eh” and when he went along with me to get my second, he got one. So, it takes all sorts.

  29. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:07 am Suzie Says:

    Oh and for the record… the “Sniff” thing is in reference to those blonde jokes…. “How do you kill a blonde? Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool.” Ha. It started out as Scratch and Sniff by him and his dad and was eventually shortened to sniff.

  30. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:37 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Bwahahahahaha! I *was* wondering.

  31. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:33 am SOCCERMOM Says:

    I dont have any tats, and I have commented before about them. They are not for me. BUT that said, I do admire the artistic creativeness that goes into them.

    That is an Awesome tatoo!

  32. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:34 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    There’s nothing wrong with that and I’m so glad that you like mine!

  33. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:34 am Patty Punker Says:

    hate the entropy. being all over the place and feeling nowhere. last time i had it, i took up boxing to see if i could punch and kick my way to clarity and calm. it helped at first but then i injured my shoulder. wtf.

    maybe i’ll try a nose piercing next. a little diamond chip.

    the phoenix is full of the awesome!

  34. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:36 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Entropy is both a blessing and a curse.

  35. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:35 am terri Says:

    i currently have thirteen tattoos/cauterization and am looking forward to getting my next. rams horns on my head, because obviously, i’m not a sheep, or lamb. the kundalini on left arm for awakening of sexual energy, judy chicago. skeletons bound on their knees on each inner thigh, for the kiss of death, ha. two seperate self portraits on either side of my breastesses, one skeletal, one with cloven hooves and horned, because again, obviously. two matching figurative horses on either hip, they kick my ass. a full back piece that has just too much going on to describe here, winged angel-nude, of course, dragonflies, pixies, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. you get the jist of it. lucky ace everlast on my chest, wanted to have free drinks all night, but worried about nipple chafing.
    my next one will be an outlined portrait of klaus nomi on my abdomen, obviously!
    they all are signifiers of a road less traveled and journeys not yet taken.

  36. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:36 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Oooh! Those sound AMAZING. I wish I could see pictures!

  37. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:47 am terri Says:

    i changed my profile pic so you can see the one on my chest, shot prior to doing a susension, hooks are temporary.

  38. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:35 am Michelle Bell Says:

    I have a pansy on the inside of my left wrist. It’s in the style of traditional Japanese crests, and is there to remind me to not buy other people’s bullshit (the pansy is the flower of freethought). It was really fun to get and didn’t hurt in a bad way. Actually helped me get over my phobia of needles. I’d like to get another one, but it might take me a while to find another design I like so.

  39. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:29 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I love, love, love inner wrist tattoos. That sounds beautiful!

  40. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:41 am Anna Says:

    I have two. One is now referred to as a tramp stamp by its location (which, at the time, was NOT what it was called) and one on my foot.

    I hate them both.

    But, would like to have more.

    I guess so I can hate them later too.

  41. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:22 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Hahaha. Why not?

  42. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:18 pm Anna Says:

    So… what I hear you saying is that you’ll encourage me to get another one if I get to come your direction in the next couple of weeks? Because, you know, if I do, I’m SO TOTALLY coming over.

  43. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:29 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Um HELLS YES! And you BETTER visit, duder.

  44. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:41 am F. Haataja Says:

    No tattoos, no piercings. We’re a rare breed these days.

  45. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:33 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Haha! Yes, you are. And THAT is the new HardCore.

  46. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:43 am Lavender Luz Says:

    No tatts now, but I fantasize about getting a tao symbol someday. Maybe back of neck.

    I’m abiding with you while you’re battling Entropy. No matter how many legs you have, change, randomness and uncertainty can be unsettling.


    Love the image of he phoenix. But I hate spelling it.

  47. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:33 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    What unsettles me about the Phoenix is the UNIVERSITY of Phoenix. I don’t care to be associated with them.

    And as far as entropy goes, frankly, I’m tired of it. I’m tired of carrying burdens, I’m tired of the bright side, and I’m tired of problems. I’m just tired.

  48. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:45 am a Says:

    No tattoos…don’t want any.

    Have lots and lots of entropy. Have a husband who thinks his entropy is worse than anyone else’s (including the legless,starving, children in Africa). Probably will never win this war…

    Hope the entropy in your universe resolves (or at least changes to something more palatable) soon.

  49. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:22 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    It always changes form, but it’s always there. And that’s okay. Today, yesterday, it seems unbearable, but I know it’s only temporary and that’s how I can get through.

    xoxox. Thank you.

  50. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:50 am stacey@Havoc&Mayhem Says:

    I have 5 tattoos & am planning my 6th now. I got my first when I was 30 & will get my next for my 44th birthday.

    Don’t worry about the legless people & their problems. You have my permission to feel as bad as you want about your problems without giving the legless a single thought.

  51. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:55 am Dr. Dre Says:

    Wow. So I looked up Entropy and now my head is spinning. I will get a tattoo someday, but I am not really sure what. If I were to do something with my kids names, first letters in order of birth would actually be, S.H. Lame. I know some day it will come to me. I want it to be for ME though and not for who I am to other people. Your Phoenix is perfect. I wish I could think of something that represents the feeling you get when you are in the middle of a whirlwind of life and then you just stop, close your eyes and breathe and shut out all the chaos around you. Whatever that looks like, that’s what I want. I know it’s not Tweety Bird.

  52. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:40 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Entropy is beautiful, isn’t it?

    And how about a fractal? I love those.

  53. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:42 am Dr. Dre Says:

    Uhhh… fractal? Yeah, you are way too smart for us to hang out. You must be a genius. You can write, add, operate complex mathematical problems and grow orchids. And also have cute babies. At least we do have the sarcasm thing down. Or do we? Good luck with the Entrophic Fractaliciousness. I wish I could understand the vortex of all that is happening, my friend.

  54. On April 6th, 2010 at 10:57 am Mandi Bone Says:

    I have one tattoo now. It is Cinderella’s castle with 3 mickey ballons flying over the castle with my husband and 2 daughters intials in the ballons with the words “dreams do come true” under the castle in disney script.I am getting my 2nd one for mothers day.

  55. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:38 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Beautiful! Sounds like the perfect Mother’s Day present to me.

  56. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:02 am Mary Says:

    I have one. It’s a somewhat metallic Celtic knot with a navy blue background in the middle of my back. It’s a single continuous line that wraps around in a beautiful and complex form. I hunted for the perfect knot for eons and then made it even more my own before I had it put on my body. It’s probably about 4″ round.

    For the last 6 months or so, I’ve been kicking around the idea of expanding it into a much larger backpiece. I’m going to sit on the idea for quite some time, just like I did before my first tattoo. At this point I haven’t started planning what it would look like exactly, though I have definite ideas.

    For me, my tattoo represents a certain wholeness and unity; a completeness. I don’t want to put anything permanent on my body that doesn’t add to my completeness.

  57. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:38 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    That’s beautiful!

    I’m thinking that I’ll get my whole back done, too. Eventually, when I know what I want on the other parts of it.

  58. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:04 am Leslie Says:

    I also have three tattoos. Two I really like and one that I LOVE! I have a dragon down the side of my left thigh. It is my reminder to kick ass! I had a suck-ass divorce and came out of the haze and decided that I needed a reminder for me that I can do it…so I picked a dragon. All back and swoopy (Is swoopy a word?) and I have never cared if anyone else likes it. It’s just for me. Most people don’t get looking for meaning in a tattoo. JERKS!

    Good luck!

  59. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:37 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Now that’s awesome. Same idea as the Phoenix. You slayed your dragon. Loves it!

  60. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:08 am cathyjoy Says:

    OMGosh! i can’t wait to see it when it’s finished. i can tell it’s totally Awesome! i have six…snoopy on my right shoulder, woodstock on the top of my left foot, the republican elephant (now that is full of the AWESOME :O) behind my right ankle, a Jesus fish with my kids initials in it on my left wrist, “a safe life is a wasted life” on top of my right foot, and a cross behind my left ear. Tats are SO addicting! i keep thinkin i might be done but then i see another design and, well, … and i’m totally jonesin your phoenix!!!

    hurry up with the pics…

  61. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:37 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I’m DYING to post them! Still waiting to leave for the tattoo appointment. *taps foot impatiently*

  62. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:16 am MommyJenn Says:

    Fah- reaking beautiful tattoo.
    The phoenix is my most favorite thing ever. It will be a good reminder whenever you need it. And since it looks holy painful- I will just pull up this post whenever I need a reminder.

  63. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:36 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    It’s actually NOT that painful. Seriously.

  64. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:18 pm Libby Says:

    Oh, malaise, that crafty bitch. Not only does she make you feel bad, but then you feel bad for feeling bad.

  65. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:29 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Isn’t it funny how that works?

  66. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:22 am Suzie Says:

    Goodness me, do I WANT one?

    …Yes, yes I want one.

    I would like a little white bow on my ankle, where a bow would be if I were wearing cute socks. And a cupcake on the inside of my index finger.

    Oh, and were I in any way adventurous, a tree up my side. But let’s just assume I’m never gonna pluck up the courage to do that.

    Can’t wait to see photos of your beautiful phoenix! πŸ™‚

  67. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:36 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    You win the award for most creative.

  68. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:23 am denise Says:

    i have a flamingo on my leg, cuz i like them aand with that i have the initials of my childrens names.

  69. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:35 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    That’s awesome! Flamingos are full of adorableness.

  70. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:34 pm Natalie Says:

    Ooh – pretty. I have a big, scary stylistic serpent/dragon on my back. (

  71. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:40 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Holy SHIT! That’s AMAZING!

  72. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:46 am Robyn Says:

    Tattoos are against my religion and my better judgment. And yet, I got one (before I had kids, as my last “crazy” thing before settling down w/a family). It’s dainty and feminine – a little vine of flowers on my low back.

    And, I love it!

  73. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:32 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Sounds lovely!

  74. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:47 pm moonspun Says:

    Oh lovely tattoo!
    I want one, have for years. A pine tree/tree of life with a crescent moon over my left breast. Just never prioritized the money. Ok and am scared shitless.

  75. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:32 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Hahaha. I think in that space, it wouldn’t be terribly painful, but don’t force yourself, you know? And it sounds gorgeous.

  76. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:48 am Cara Says:

    It kind of seems like being on a roller coaster. Feeling high and excited then uncertain about the choices you made to get you where you are. Fear of what is to come.

    My husband has 7 and I have none. I’ve been as far as sitting in the shop with the stencil made when the artist discovered there were no glove in the shop. I guess it was fate stepping in, because even though I loved the design for years, now I wouldn’t want it after seeing wings in so many places. Oh…It was supposed to be the word ANGEL written out going down my spine forming the silhouette of a woman’s body with realistic looking wings tucked off the sides.

  77. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:32 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    That sounds beautiful, but it DOES sound an awful lot like fate. Guess you don’t need a tat after all.

  78. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:49 am lis Says:

    had to leave this for you…look at the bottom of the page. hope it helps you in your quest!

    love the tattoo. i have a scorpion on my foot. its pink and white and the tail is made of hearts. ill post a pic somewhere when i can πŸ™‚

  79. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:31 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Yes! Must see the awesomeness!

  80. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:49 am Jennifer Says:

    I have two. My first was a butterfly with scrollies because I like bugs. It’s on my shoulder blade. Then I got a breast cancer ribbon (it’s done in all pink, no black at all) with scrollies that is at the base of my neck. That one is for my mom, who I lost almost 7 years ago (will be at the end of this month.)

    I’m planning my third and will probably do more than that. I tend to space them out time wise so I have time to really think about it before I get another.

  81. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:31 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I’m very thoughtful about my tattoos, too. And yours sound lovely. I hope to get something together so that we can all share our pictures in one place. I’m DYING to see yours!

  82. On April 6th, 2010 at 11:56 am Mrs Soup Says:

    Love you dearly. You are amazing. Cannot wait to see the finished product!

    One of these days I want to get a tattoo. Probably something with my daughter’s name or something. But I need to love the idea for a year before I will do it. That and I’m cheap.

  83. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:30 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I’ve always had the idea looooong before I went in to get the tattoo. Like years before. I’m not exactly impulsive. But now I want my ENTIRE back done, just with what? I DO NOT KNOW.

  84. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:01 pm Mommakiss Says:

    I have 3. A lady bug I got when I was 26 and away on a work training. It didn’t heal well and, well, it looks like a deformed strawberry. And then in key west I got a bee on the top of my foot. I’m the queen bee of the Kiss Hizza! And last fall, while away on a girl’s trip, I got 2 stars on my left foot. For my kids.

    Your tat is beautiful (looks damn painful!) and I know what it means to you – so find strength in that.

    And a big “fuck you” to the issues. No matter what the issues are, they’re YOUR issues and you do what you gotta do.

  85. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:30 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I’ll take care of things; I always do! And my feet, they look awesome. I want to add more to them, but fuck, man, they HURT.

  86. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:07 pm Marie Says:

    Hugs and fist bumpz..

    If you are down I suggest you read this. It picked up my morning. (the one about the monkey).

    I want a tatoo so bad and I vow to get one before the big *thirty*.

    Seriously read her post.

  87. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:29 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I’m ALL over it. I need something cheerful.

  88. On April 6th, 2010 at 2:48 pm Marie Says:

    I thought you would get a kick out of a little monkey lovin.

  89. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:20 pm Mwa Says:

    I hear you, oh how I do. I go through these awful spells as well, and always about the same stupid stuff. Which is not stupid when other people deal with it. I think it’s impressive that you can tell yourself at the start that this, too, will end.

  90. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:29 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    It’s funny, but you’re right. I’m the first to be like, “poor you” and MEAN IT, but I’m never willing to admit that really, I deserve to be upset.

  91. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:29 pm Betty M Says:

    Amazing tattoo. I dont have any myself and am unlikely to get any either – my skin reacts badly to all things and I cant imagine a tattoo would be tolerated!

  92. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:41 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Oh, then NO! Don’t do it!

  93. On April 6th, 2010 at 1:31 pm The Only Girl Says:

    I simply can’t decide what to get or where to get it so instead of a tattoo, I went for the nose piercing. Tiny diamond-ish thing. And I love it.

    Dude – hope everything’s okay. Thinking about cha.

  94. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:48 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Nose piercings are AWESOME. You look hot.

  95. On April 6th, 2010 at 1:32 pm Alice Brody Says:

    I’m 34 and I have ALWAYS wanted a tattoo!!! I never seem to have the money but someday I’m going to get 4 flowers for my 4 boys on my leg. I wanted one on my side but I heard that is a really painful place for a tattoo. I joke on my blog that my stretch marks are as close to tattoos as I’m gonna get;D.

  96. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:49 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Bwahaha! Stretch marks are the new tattoos, doncha know?

  97. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:35 pm Kim - In Search of Me in Mommy Says:

    No tats…if I were to get one, I think I’d do it on my left boob. It’s big enough and I could hide it. And since I have considered boob reduction, if I didn’t like the tat – I would have the perfect excuse to have surgery – then I’d have less, more managable, fit-in-cute-bra boobs and be ink-free.

    But all of that is just in my mind, cuz I’m chicken to do both!

    But, I so get the entropy…been there, doing that.

  98. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:40 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Entropy. It’s hard, man. Hold tight. Just keep holding on.

  99. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:42 pm moonduster (Becky) Says:

    That is a beautiful tattoo!

    Sadly, I have no tattoos.

  100. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:30 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I think that makes you the NEW HardCore. Remember when HAVING tattoos made you HardCore? Now NOT having them makes you HardCore. So rock on!

  101. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:43 pm Julie Says:

    Great tat Becky…I have four tattoos….Embrace the Life in Greek arched over my left hip…my stud husband’s name in a heart in a hot spot under my bikini (that was a suprised for him during his trip home of R & R from Iraq) Warrior Wife in Kanji going down my back…I love this tat, but I am not really happy with the placement of it…I wanted it closer to my spine..she put it closer to my side…and we have our wedding dates tattooed on our left wrist and we are going tomorrow to add below the date
    In this life and all that follow
    ?’ ?????
    Which is I love you in Greek

  102. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:31 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Now that’s cool. That’s wicked cool. Sorry you don’t like the placement as much. Closer to the spine hurts more, but still, I know how much that sucks.

  103. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:46 pm Paige Says:

    I have 4 tatts. My favorite is one of cherry blossoms that runs from my hairline on the back of my neck to about a third of the way down my back. I got it at a really painful point in my life, which turned out to be a turning point for me. It’s a reminder that I’m not as tough as I may want to think I am… That I am fragile and can be broken, even if I don’t want to admit it.

    Of course, on a lighter note, I also have a tattoo of Snoopy doing the happy dance on my foot so that, when in need of a smile, I only have to look down.

  104. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:31 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Tattoos that mean something like your cherry blossom are awesome. Plus, I think cherry blossoms are RAD. And you’re clearly tough.

  105. On April 6th, 2010 at 12:52 pm xseparatrix Says:

    Full sleeve on my left arm contains circuit boards, spines, DNA, binary, neurons, and other computer components. Also, a half-human, half-robotic hand holding the whole piece together at the top. My reminder that man plays god and won’t stop until he creates machine in his image. Kind of a warning, as well. πŸ™‚

    A small decorative piece at the base of my neck that represents strength and feminity. That’s it!

    You pheonix is very well done. The artist is definitely skilled. Hope you feel less chaotic soon.

  106. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:33 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Okay, now I want to see this one! I loooove sleeves. I’m too chicken shit to do one, but I looooove them. Like, I see them and I’m all “WANT WANT WANT WANT.” That sounds amazing.

  107. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:25 am xseparatrix Says:

    No blog to put them on, but as soon as I upload them somewhere I’ll provide the linkage for you.

  108. On April 6th, 2010 at 1:01 pm Melissa Says:

    First off, your problems are not insignificant just because someone chopped off an African’s leg and beat him with it. Sure it sucks for him, but your problems matter too. Because you are full of the awesome. And deserve your loving!

    Second, I think I have posted this before but I have one on my left butt cheek, a really small wimpy rose with a heart through the stem. The meaning behind it is not to go to Florida with a bunch of your friends when a hurricane hits. You wind up smoking WAY too much dope, and drinking WAY too much alcohol and get all pissed off because if you wanted to spent a LOT of fucking money to go on a vacation that you could have had in your own hometown if you like spending 24/7 in a hotel room that is. In other words, I was bored and not thinking properly. I AM glad I decided against the tazmanian devil cartoon dude though.

  109. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:39 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Bwahahahahahahaha! *wipes eyes* Bwahahahahahaha!

    I just…I love you.

  110. On April 6th, 2010 at 1:01 pm Rebecca Says:

    While admirable on others, for myself, tattoos are just not me at all……not even just a little bit.

  111. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:39 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    And there is not a DAMN thing wrong with that.

  112. On April 6th, 2010 at 2:12 pm Shin Ae Says:

    I don’t have any tatoos. I don’t want any. I’m with the person who can’t imagine liking one design long enough to commit. I like other people’s tatoos, though.

    Your problems are important. I hate the thought of you shedding tears, but sometimes, well, you know. I hope you keep talking, and I’m pulling for you. xoxo (because I’m mushy like that and if you don’t like it you’ll just have to wipe it off when I’m not looking)

  113. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:50 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    No, I like the hugs and kisses. I’m like a big mushy bear underneath the swagger. I swear it. I’ll keep ’em on. Thank you.

  114. On April 6th, 2010 at 1:19 pm Jessi Louise Says:

    Hope you are able to shake off the dust and feel brand new. Your tattoo is gorgeous. I have 3…and only 1 I regret πŸ™‚

  115. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:48 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Damns, one is pretty good! And I’m feeling better today, thank you.

  116. On April 6th, 2010 at 1:55 pm Jennifer B Says:

    Oh Aunt Becks, I’m so sorry to hear that something has you down. I don’t know what it is, obviously, but if I did, I’d kick its ass for you. Because nobody fucks with my Aunt Becky. I’m sure that it sucks because you’ve never been much of a whiner. But in any case, there’s a whole lot of interwebz out here that loves you and has your back. Feel better AB, and I give you permission to be selfish and do whatever you want to comfort yourself. πŸ™‚

  117. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:49 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I just love you hard, girl. I know you got my back and I love you for it.

  118. On April 6th, 2010 at 1:56 pm Jennifer B Says:

    Oh, and I LOVE your phoenix. So gorgeous. Can’t wait to see it rise.

  119. On April 6th, 2010 at 3:35 pm Amanda Says:


    Every time I see a phoenix I think of Harry Potter. Quite embarrassed of this. BUT they are beautiful nonetheless and represent something lovely.

    I have a cross between a swallow and a sparrow on my side…my cousin drew it up when we were young and we always planned to get them together. He was my best friend and passed away when I was 17. I got it tattooed on myself my first year in college.

    It’s unfortunate that people get so judgey…most tattoos have such a wonderful meaning behind them.

    Oh…and don’t ever let anyone lessen the importance of your life and it’s problems. Because just as the legless African’s may be “worse off” with their problems the “richies” in their mansions having tea and crumpets would cringe at yours>

  120. On April 6th, 2010 at 3:54 pm Yvonne! Says:

    me too!! i’m planning on getting a phoenix too and i wanted it to look like fawkes. cus i’m a dork.

  121. On April 6th, 2010 at 2:42 pm Aunt Juicebox Says:

    Tats must be in the water right now. I’ve had a shit ton of convos about them this week. I am planning to get more when I can afford them.

  122. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:50 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Oooooh! What are you getting?

  123. On April 6th, 2010 at 2:44 pm bashtree Says:

    I don’t have tattoos. I don’t know if I want one, actually, and if I ever did get one, it would be really small, on my right wrist, and probably a word. (Or a Tar Heel.) The thing is, if I ever got a tattoo while my mother is living, and she finds out, I would be disinherited. And that’s actually kind of a big deal, because she owns a multi-million dollar business that she’s fixing to sell. I’m not sure a little tattoo would be worth millions, you know? Right now I’d rather paint whatever it is I need to say. But that’s just me πŸ™‚

  124. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:52 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I think you should prolly not forgo the millions of dollars for a tattoo. You should give them to ME instead πŸ˜‰

  125. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:42 am bashtree Says:

    Maybe you could get the tar heel on your wrist and then we could share πŸ™‚

  126. On April 7th, 2010 at 12:50 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Don’t tempt me, WOMAN.

  127. On April 6th, 2010 at 2:50 pm Chelsea Says:

    I read your bloggy-blog via Google Reader, but this is the first time I clicked out of the reader to see the “real” post. I’m surprised that nearly every comment has a reply! By you! Holy shit!

    The phoenix is very elegant and beautiful and obviously full of meaning. Sometimes I forget about the personal meanings that are attached to people’s tattoos, regardless of their content (especially when I read this:

    I have two very small tattoos, one on each shoulder above the collar bone. They’re African hunters/runners, based off prehistoric rock art, complete with tiny penises (my favorite details!) and arms thrown in the air.

  128. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:53 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Now I am going to spend today on that site because OBVIOUSLY. Your tattoos sound AWESOME.

  129. On April 6th, 2010 at 3:03 pm Dora Says:

    Hang in there, girl. You feel what you feel. Hoping the Entropy passes soon. Maybe the endorphins from the tattooing will help. The phoenix is gorgeous. Can’t wait to see the new pics.

    Here’s a post I wrote about my ink last year.

  130. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:55 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I just love you. Thanks for being my friend.

  131. On April 6th, 2010 at 3:04 pm Regina Says:

    I like tattoos on other people! I DO have two lovely vertical c-section scars right next to each other. They’re very attractive. I guess they’re not very cool though.

  132. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:55 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    You could BeDazzle them! Hotness abounds.

  133. On April 6th, 2010 at 3:05 pm Teresa Says:

    I have 2. The first one is a single red rose on the inside of my right ankle. That one is for my hubby, when we met, he informed me that he only wanted to be friends and was never getting married, but when he came over to go do something the first time, he brought me a single red rose and that was about 16 years ago and we have been married over 10 years now.

    My second one is a turtle on my left shoulder. That on is for my mom (my guardian angel) She used to collect turtles and I would send them to her from wherever we traveled. When she passed, my bu*@hole step dad kept the turtle collection even though I heard he sold them at a yard sale. So my turtle is a tribute to my mom.

    I do intend on getting at least one more. My granddaughters name is Lilee and I want a lily of some sort on my right shoulder, and I am still ruminating on what to get to honor my son.

    Te phoenix is beautiful and I love that your tats have special meaning. I think that is more important than just getting them because they are cool.

    I love reading your blog…thanks so much for sharing.

  134. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:56 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Your tattoos sound beautiful! Seriously beautiful and very sweet. My favorite kind. And if I had another daughter (which I will not), her name would be Lily. Beautiful name.

  135. On April 8th, 2010 at 11:46 am Teresa Says:

    Thanks. My Lilee is a kick! It is so much funny being a granny. I saw her over spring break and she told me “I love you no matter what gramma”……damn near made me cry.

    Take care

  136. On April 6th, 2010 at 3:08 pm Melme Says:

    I hate those slumps in spirit that serve only to keep us down. But, as you said, coming through the other side just makes us stronger.

    I want a tattoo SO bad, I have for years, but I can’t settle on a design. I’m thinking when I finally decide I’ll probably hire someone to design it for me. The other problem is I don’t like any of the tattoos I see getting churned out around here. I’d have to find an artist I could trust. Your phoenix is gorgeous! I LOVE the style and whoever did it is awesome!

  137. On April 7th, 2010 at 10:57 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    My tattoo artist is fantastic and famous. You should go to her. People actually fly in to go to her because she is THAT good. THEN you can see ME! I am very self-serving.

  138. On April 6th, 2010 at 3:41 pm Katie G. Says:

    3 tatts, a Chinese symbol for Year of the Dog, an outline of a cat and a unicorn on my lower stomach. The funny thing about the unicorn is that whenever I finally get pregnant, I can take pics of it and watch it expand as the months past. Grandma is betting it turns into a giraffe. My Chinese symbol was a bit of a mistake. You know how in Chinese restaurants they’ll have the different years listed and which animal goes with which year? Yea, well they don’t tell you exactly WHEN that year started for them, since the Chinese New Year starts later then ours does. So my birthday, which falls on January 3rd, was for the Year of the Rooster, NOT the Year of the Dog. I have the wrong symbol on my foot. Makes for a funny, cautionary tale. I’d love to get more tatts in the future.

  139. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:33 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Bwahahahahahaha! You’re my hero!

  140. On April 6th, 2010 at 3:53 pm Yvonne! Says:

    i’ve got 5 (i ALWAYS want to say 6 but then i realize i don’t have 6, i think that means i need more). the fav is euterpe, the music of music, blowing little inspiration jiggies across my tummy. and my daughter’s name on my back. AND a lil star on my foot that some friends and i got being dumb and random one day (i love them bitches). guess i don’t have a fave.

    life sucks for everyone a good deal of the time. just cus it sucks for other people waaaaay more doesn’t mean that you can’t appreciate your suckiness every now and again.

  141. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:34 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I think you TOTALLY need more tats. See? I’m an enabler.

  142. On April 6th, 2010 at 4:11 pm Kristin Says:

    OMG, I totally LURVE your Phoenix…more now than the first time I saw it. I really, really love it!

    You can see my tats I have here and the tats I want here.

  143. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:34 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I couldn’t picture it with color before, and now, just wow.

  144. On April 6th, 2010 at 5:45 pm Catherine Says:

    Love tattoos. But more importantly…..

    I hate the fact that we can’t complain, feel a little sorry for ourselves and just be sad or down for fear that some well intentioned ass will tell us how good we really have it blah blah blah. It sucks that we need to keep this stuff to ourselves so we can own it. Nothing worse than someone telling you that your feelings are not valid cause there is someone else out there feeling worse or has no legs.

    Sorry you are struggling. If it is any consolation, you are a really strong writer with a gift.

  145. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:40 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    You know, hearing that DID make me feel better. Thank you.

    For what it’s worth, I tried to write out what was bothering me and I looked at it and then it looked so stupid and trite. When I can’t explain why it’s so hard, I just don’t bother. Because it won’t make sense to anyone else.


    You’re right. It’s so stupid because we’re ALLOWED bad days. We are. But someone always comes along and is all ‘AT LEAST!!!’ and it ruins it all.


    Today is a better day. Tomorrow should be better than that.

  146. On April 6th, 2010 at 5:04 pm Nancy P Says:

    Oh how I can relate to this “The things I’m struggling with now, they’re not new issues and I’m remiss to even address them because someone will pop up and remind me,….” So I just go along and act as if all is ok.

    Your Phoenix is beautiful! When I was younger I hated tattoos and somewhere along the way changed my mind. Two years ago after I had surgery for badass colon cancer I treated myself to one. Even though I am not much into astrology both my boys are Geminis so I had the symbol with their names above and below put on my ankle. I am thinking of getting one more but jury is still out..

  147. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:36 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Oh, how I love Gemini’s. And I used to hate tats too! Now? CLEARLY I do not.

    (you should get more)(I am an enabler)(heh)

  148. On April 6th, 2010 at 5:06 pm TSM 30 somethingandcrazy Says:

    I have several…

    A huge bass in the same spot you have your phoenix, stars on the other side, cherry blossoms and an emerald moth and just all sorts of badass harley wings and hearts in an all-too-visible spot on my wrist. Then a few when I was 16 and had this really cool juvie friend of a friend of a friend who made his own tatoo gun!! Yeah. All sorts of awesome in those tattoos.


  149. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:37 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    DAMN! Do you have pictures on your blog? Because I’m smelling a blog post coming on.

  150. On April 6th, 2010 at 5:35 pm Baka Pocky Says:

    I have no tattoos, but I do kinda want one, but …

    1. I have NO idea what I’d get, cos I don’t want to pick something I’ll hate, and I also don’t want to pick something out of the artist’s book.

    2. I also have no idea what I want to do with my life, so I’m deathly afraid of getting a huge tattoo on my arm, and then suddenly failing an interview purely because of the tattoo.

    So. Yeah. Such is the life of the indecisive.

  151. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:38 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    There’s NOTHING wrong with not knowing what you want. Nothing. Do not get something unless you want it and you’re for sure on it because OBVIOUSLY it’s for life.

  152. On April 6th, 2010 at 6:18 pm Miss Grace Says:

    I love it.
    I’m getting my back worked on Saturday. SO excited.

  153. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:40 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    How long is your back gonna take? Because I want to do my whole back too. With what? I DUNNO. But you know. I’m the man with the plan. Or no plan. WHATEVER.

  154. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:46 am Miss Grace Says:

    I’m like 10 hours deep so far. I have (hopefully only) two more appointments, probably 3ish hours each.
    And mine’s just my upper back, but it’s pretty damn intricate.

  155. On April 7th, 2010 at 12:50 pm Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Oh yeah. Mine is too, and SHIT, girl, today I’m hurtin’.

  156. On April 6th, 2010 at 6:21 pm Amber Says:

    YES! Your ink is amazing. I do have a tat, just one so far. It’s a breathtaking watercoloresque work of art. Three butterfly koi on the top of my right foot. I plan on getting quite a bit more ink, but I’m picky. Every one must have meaning and be stunningly gorgeous.

  157. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:41 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    I have tattoos on my feet too! Fucking hurt! My back was much, much less painful, although today I’m in bad shape. Got any narcotics for me?


  158. On April 6th, 2010 at 7:35 pm Jeane Says:

    I have two tattoo and am plotting the third! My siblings and I all have them which leaves my mother all lamenting about what she has done to provoke such behavior. Oh, so much. Haha.
    I enjoy your blog…and you deserve sunshine and happy thoughts!

  159. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:43 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    My mom is the SAME WAY! My brother and I have a ton of tattoos and she HATES them. BEYOND hates them. She’s all, “they’re for SAILORS!” What’s weird is that she’s a hippie and should know better.

    And thank you for your sweet words. You don’t know how they lift me up.


  160. On April 6th, 2010 at 7:20 pm Mommy on the Spot Says:

    I have no tats.

    PTSD is hard! Please don’t feel like you can’t feel bad. Sometimes I think you have to allow yourself to feel all those nasty feelings so that you can move on and give closure to them. Know that you aren’t alone; your Pranksters are pulling for you!!

  161. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:42 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    PTSD is a motherfucker. Just when you think you’re okay, the rug gets pulled out from under you for something you can’t even explain.


    Love you girl.

  162. On April 7th, 2010 at 5:15 am SciFi Dad Says:

    Now is the time on Sprockets where we link!

  163. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:47 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    FUCK YOU. That song is in my head now.

  164. On April 7th, 2010 at 8:18 am Joan Says:

    I have 7 tats – tiger on right thigh, panther on left, dragon on left shoulder back, leaping panther on right with the Southern Cross in the middle, unicorn on right breast and my sons name with a celtic knot underneath on my right arm. I long to have a large celtic knot across my lower back but haven’t found the right one yet.
    Your phoenix is gorgeous!
    Hang in there Aunt Becky, your are loved!!

  165. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:48 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Your tats sound AMAZING. I wanna see!

  166. On April 7th, 2010 at 11:54 pm Lippy Says:

    I don’t have any now but plan to. I want one for each of my kids. A butterfly for Maddie, a ladybug for Ellie, a bumblebee for Ellie’s twin that we lost and something?? for Owen. I don’t know what to do for his. I have to wait until Ellie weaned. For all the girls I just knew what I wanted, but can’t decide on Owens. I want them pretty little and on my foot.

  167. On April 8th, 2010 at 9:14 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Feet tattoos are the best. I have two! I want to make mine bigger and more…awesome.

  168. On April 8th, 2010 at 1:51 pm KYouell Says:

    OMG, 167 comments already? I can’t read them all or we won’t have dinner tonight (it’s 12:49pm right now).

    I have a tattoo & want to share though. It’s the Raiders logo above my left ankle bone with the numbers of my 7 favorite players circling my leg. Hubby & I were just talking about it last night and I very much feel that these guys are big brothers protecting me from… I dunno, me? I love it, but keep it covered up most of the time.

  169. On April 9th, 2010 at 9:17 am Kendra Says:

    Sorry the entropy is getting to you. I understand the feeling that your problems are really not worth complaining about. And that feeling has to be multiplied when you have an audience of more than a couple of people, so there’s bound to be at least one person in that crowd who wants to remind you that someone has it worse.

    I have one tattoo, a sunflower. I got it because it was sort of a childhood nickname, and I wanted to remind myself of where I came from. I’ve been thinking for years of adding to it, something to do with my kids’ names. I could never get anything attached to my body forever that wasn’t deeply meaningful to me, and the person I was when I started this journey and the people I have helped to create are the most meaningful things I can think of for me.

  170. On April 9th, 2010 at 10:31 am Andrea Says:

    Your phoenix is AMAZING. It makes me want to start all over with my tattoos!

    Here are a few of mine. I’ve since added some script beneath the dancer tat, and I have plans for at least 2 more! Eventually I may have to stop counting and just make it one giant tat. πŸ˜‰

  171. On April 14th, 2010 at 8:07 am Gunfighter Says:

    I have four, with the fifth happening soon.

    The first was a result of my service in the Marines: An Eagle,Globe, and Anchor emblem, on my left shoulder that I got in 1986. The next was a cross of nails on my right shoulder, the third was a Jerusalem Cross between my shoulder blades, and the fourth is an emblem of the Lutheran reformation on the inside of my left forearm.

    See them here:

    and here:

  172. On April 20th, 2010 at 3:13 pm mommymae Says:

    hey! that’s your tattoo on the header!

    i have 2 tattoos. a phoenix on my inner left ankle that was from a necklace that was my aunt’s who died. and a sun on my lower back that has something written in it to remind me of her. i want to have someone create a design to cover the inside of the sun.

    i want more. somewhere on my wrist. maybe 6 tally marks for the 6 hooligans in my family. i want it to be simple.

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