The Check Is In The Mail
Phase One is complete, and I must share what I have learned today:
1) ABSOLUTELY WHENEVER I have something of import to complete the following day, Alexander will be up every 1-2 hours the evening before. I shudder to think of what tonight will hold, besides lots of vodka.
2) For some reason, the people who lived here before us loved to use the walls as tissues. For boogies. Yes, that’s right, I spent the morning cleaning old crusty boogers off the damn wall. Damn straight, my life is glamorous.
3) Instead of using the $2 sponge to wash the walls (because it sucked and smeared the dust around without picking it up at all), I used a Swiffer, which I almost never use what with the complete wastefullness of such a device. My parents are hippies, what can I do here (besides use reusable cloths to dust with on any other day).
4) Taping the walls is damn near impossible while hoisting a 14 pound baby in the Baby Bijorn. But wearing said baby in Bijorn while carrying a 25 pound vacuum up a flight of stairs IS possible.
5) Being without music while prepping the walls is torture. Especially since my internal record player has the entire collection of School House Rock on repeat.
6) The dog who neurotically follows me up and down the stairs each and every time I go to grab the screaming baby is actually protecting the baby, not me. He, like the baby, is extremely upset that I am deviating from my daily routine.
7) Taping the walls is possibly the worst job ever.
8) Ben has been living with a crustified cat turd under his bed for I don’t even know how long. This makes me feel very guilty.
9) It is approximately 900 degrees with 100% humidity inside Ben’s room today, which means that I smell horrifying. And I wonder why no one wants to come help me paint this weekend…
I can only imagine what tomorrow with all of it’s prime-y goodness will bring…
My tenents move out this weekend and thus I will be using a vacation day (in addition to my long labor day weekend) to do actual labor. I need to win the lotto. Wanna buy a townhouse?
Sorry, dude, no can do. My nomad of a husband may be interested…
Wait, no, I’m not moving again.