While my initial plans for Thanksgiving included sitting on my ass at home alone, I’ve been kidnapped by my savage crotch parasites (who were aghast that I was planning to avoid the festivities) and am in a car on my way to Wisconsin. I’m hoping they’ll drop me at the Mars Cheese Castle, but I doubt it’s open.
Simply put, the Mars Cheese Castle is the 9th Wonder of the World (my ass is #8) and while Wisconsin and Illinois have a longstanding war, I like to think the Cheese Castle is really in Illinois.
I’d been planning to write something different here today about what I’m thankful for, but really, I think I said it best over on Band Back Together. And since the Internet is closed on holidays, I expect a whole lot of Viag!a robots to “read” this.
But I did mean it and it showed that somewhere in there, I do have feelers beyond “pass the donuts.”
Happy Thanksgiving, Pranksters.
You’re Canadian fans don’t have Thanksgiving so I came here because the internet is NOT closed on holidays….oh god shoot me if that ever happens! What would I do with the other 18 hours of my day when I’m not sleeping?
Happy Thanksgiving and glad you’re on your way to celebrate the holiday. Can’t wait for the goodies you’ll have to share after this weekend.
That’s why I love Canada.
Aaaaaand … Canada loves you, eh? Didn’t you get the memo?! Thanksgiving is now in early October!!! 😉
Happy thanksgiving to you all. 🙂
A very Happy Thanksgiving to you … may yuo be merry & laugh a lot … personally thankful here for chuckles you give to me daily
I’m thankful you put up with my drivel. Xo
Travel safe! Happy Thanksgiving!
happy thanksgiving the internets are not closed i just got done making all the food
Ooooh! What are you having?
i had made green bake candied yams mash potatoes turkey stuffing rolls and pumpkin pie the sucky thing is i couldnt eat any of it i also got sick so i every i did try to eat just came back up 🙁
A castle? Of cheese?? A CHEESE CASTLE????? Is that like Cheesecake Factory…you know, something that sounds WAY awesomer than it turns out to actually be?! I want pictures of this cheese castle. Cuz that sounds like a dream come true to me!!!
It is so much better than the Cheesecake Factory. The Cheesecake Factory is bullshit by comparison!
Where in Wisco are you headed?!? I am a Cheesehead… not by choice! (although I never make FIBs jokes, and am one of the worst drivers on the planet!)
We may have a shot at getting MiMi and Livy together! BFF’s baby!
Milwaukee, baby!
We are headed to Barrington, IL from Milwaukee, WI today. Anytime we head toward Chicago, we stop at the Mars Cheese Castle. It is a gift from the gods, no two ways about it!
The Castle is CLOSED. BULLSHIT. Barrington is like right by my house…
Well, Viag!a robots will read ANYTHING.
But that was an excellent post.
And I am unfamiliar with a number of the wonders of the world it seems.
I should remedy that someday.
I will show you my ass. And the Cheese Castle.
LOVE the Mars cheese castle! Every time we drove by, I insisted on stopping in at the bar to enjoy a Spotted Cow and some of their free cheese spread on Ritz crackers 🙂
We so need to plan a Pranksters Field Trip.
I’m thankful for Band Back together, because I really need an outlet! Sorry bout the cheese being closed. but on the up side you don’t have to cook.
That’s a HUGE upside, yo.
Not all of your pranksters have thanksgiving today! What about us Canadians, eh? I guess that means I have to actually work while at work, instead of getting lost in the post and all the comments! Damn you Aunt Becky! 🙂 haha Oh, and happy thanksgiving!
Bwahahaha! (I hate Thanksgiving enough that I’ll totally become an honorary Canadian for the day).
And I love you for hating Thanksgiving. I think Canada might even cancel ours in honour of you.
C’mon! You know you’re interested in mindless junk that won’t leave for four hours! Viag!a junk is the zombie of junk. You literally* have to hack it apart with a shovel for it to die. Please come try our little blue pill. We know you’ll like it**.
*Correct usage. I mean it. Get your shovel out and prepare to swing.
**Who doesn’t love undead dick?
I can’t believe the cheese castle is closed today. Do they not know how thankful people are for cheese?
Happy Thanksgiving – even if you had to go to Wisconsin…
The only way the Cheese Castle could sound better to me is if they have a bacon moat. PLEASE tell me they have a bacon moat! Because I will totally haul my Texas ass up to Wisconsin right friggin’ NOW!
Happy Thanksgiving beautiful. I would totally go to the Mars Cheese Castle with you.
Yay! T-day is over…. I’m thankful for the laughter and light you bring Aunt Becky!
I think these are Leonard Cohen’s words:
“Ring the bell that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There’s a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in “