Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Tea Bags Are Total Bullshit. So Is Potty Training.


The good news: Alex is nearly potty trained.

The bad news: Amelia decided that she, too, needed a potty chair.

You’re all, “AUNT BECKY, THAT’S A GOOD THING,” and that’s where you’d be right…sort of. Because my daughter isn’t one of those kids who will just DO as she’s ASKED. Oh no. That would be too simple.

On Sunday, I marched wobbled my happy ass to Target to get her her Very Own Potty Chair. Awesome! It’s sitting in my kitchen. It makes noises and cheers sometimes. I’ve decided that I need a cheering section for the bathroom. It would make peeing a lot more exciting.

Alas, I digress.

Monday, Amelia took off her diaper and streaked no less than three times. Cute, right? ADORABLE. She’s a mini-frat boy.

THEN, as she was eluding my shuffly arms, she took a gigantic pee in the hallway. She was probably holding her bladder for 12 hours just to do that. As I screamed “AMELIA, NO!” she began to tap dance IN HER PEE as she laughed. Mouth open, head tilted back, uproariously laughing as she splashed around in her pee puddle. It was like Singing In The Rain…but with pee.

She was so proud of herself.

I aged 20 years.

The teenage years are going to be incredible.


When my friend Jimmy from Shui Teas sent me some tea, I was pretty excited. Mail makes me happy in the pants because normally all I get is bills and anytime I get something that’s not a bill, I do a Snoopy HAPPY Dance.

Jimmy from Shui Teas, who is also one of my advertisers, sent me the Vodka Tea Infusion Pack to try out because, well, obviously, and suggested that I give one away to my Pranksters as well. He’s also given you a 10% off code: MOMMYVODKA for any orders from his site through December 12.

So to enter the Vodka Tea Infusion Pack from Shui Teas, you must leave me a comment telling me if you were a flavor, what flavor tea you’d be.

For additional entries (up to four total), you can follow me on The Twitter, follow Band Back Together on The Twitter, follow Mushroom Printing on The Twitter or become my Facebook Friend. Just leave a separate comment for each of the things you do.

The contest will end at midnight on December 14 and a winner will be randomly selected on the 15th of December.

In the meantime, I’ll be engaged in a battle of the wills with my daughter.

Send help.

121 Comments to

“Tea Bags Are Total Bullshit. So Is Potty Training.”

  1. On December 7th, 2010 at 10:46 am Jana A Says:

    OOh, if I were a flavor, I’d be purple. What? Purple’s not a flavor? Well, that’s bullshit. It should be a flavor. And it IS in my house!

  2. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:02 pm Gerald Says:

    Everyone knows, crayons taste like purple.

  3. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:52 pm Jimmy Says:

    Purple is definitely a flavor. I just had a sample of a grape-pomegranate tea-thing and my sister and I debated if the flavor was purple or navy blue. Purple won.

  4. On December 7th, 2010 at 10:48 am stephanie Says:

    Im not really a tea drinker yo, but if I were a tea, or more matter of factly if there were to be a tea made after me, it would probably be called off your rocker tea or hallucinogenic mind spittle tea (sp?!?!?)

    No actual flavor just makes you see pretty bows and like people. Or you know, at least not want to stab them in the eye and junk.

  5. On December 8th, 2010 at 2:01 am Katya Says:

    When and where can I purchase this tea? No. Really. Hallucinogenic mind spittle tea that makes me see pretty bows and like people? Where do I sign what I assume is a liability waiver?

  6. On December 7th, 2010 at 10:49 am Miss Outlier Says:

    I’d be Stawberry Pomegranate herbal tea. Because I’m a tough engineer by day, but by night dadgummit I’m really just a girly girl. 🙂

  7. On December 7th, 2010 at 10:51 am Rebecca Says:

    If I were a flavored tea, I would probably be that Pink Antibiotic that kids get prescribed when they have the sickies. No, that would be gross.

    I would probably be bacon flavored tea…?? But only for my breakfast tea………

    I’d probably be tea flavored with a hint of salt and various tropical fruits. But you have to get the oceany salt flavor in the tropical fruits or it just won’t be right. Yes, that’s it! The Tea of Me!

  8. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:08 pm Jimmy Says:

    brilliant! a couple iced tea chain stores in Taiwan sell a sea-salt tea latte. (And a coffee latte too). It’s really, really good.

  9. On December 7th, 2010 at 10:51 am Pizza Girl Says:

    I would definitely be orange spice tea because it smells delicious (which I do not, usually, but not in a disgusting way… so it would be a change of pace) and it tastes delicious (which I’m pretty sure I already do).

  10. On December 7th, 2010 at 10:52 am Taderdoodles (Lisa Baldwin) Says:

    My kid does the snoopy happy dance when she pees on my floor! That girl would sit on her potty seat all dang day watching Backyardigans if I’d just let her wipe wipe wipe the entire time (don’t think I don’t know what you’re really doing little girl!)

  11. On December 7th, 2010 at 10:56 am Taderdoodles (Lisa Baldwin) Says:

    Crap, I should finish reading the post huh… ok.. my tea flavor.. Muscandine Moonshine cuz that’s how my family rolls…

  12. On December 7th, 2010 at 10:59 am ColinP Says:

    If I were a flavor of tea it would be perpetual confusion tea. As my lady friend has pointed out (several times) I have this almost constant look of amazement/confusion on my face a look that simply says “What the HELL is wrong with you fucking people?!?”

    The tea would have a subtle flavor that does nothing to calm the nerves and would inspire the urge to bang ones forehead against solid stationary objects.

  13. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:00 am Tweets that mention Tea Bags Are Total Bullshit. So Is Potty Training. | Mommy Wants Vodka -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Aunt Becky, Naomi de la Torre. Naomi de la Torre said: RT @mommywantsvodka: My daughter, the frat-boy + a giveaway: […]

  14. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:00 am Laura Says:

    If I was a flavor in real life I’d probably be laundry hag flavor. In my fantasy flavor, some sort of skinny supermodely mango flavor….

  15. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:00 am Lindsey Says:

    Meth. Because at least that would explain my inability to concentrate.

  16. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:05 am SciFi Dad Says:

    10% off cod? Wow, he sells tea AND fish?

  17. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:13 am jen Says:

    some type of minty tea…that seems to be the only kinda i like…

  18. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:14 am jen Says:

    i totally friend-requested you! why havent i done that yet???

  19. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:15 am Heather Says:

    Our boys have peed standing up in the middle of anywhere. And they did this when they were about a year old and they look down like, “Wow! Cool!” I can see when they pee in the bath water, because they look down like, “That is just so coool!” So good luck with your daughter!

    On a tea flavor. Hmm I’d have to go with Joyful Pomegranate. I’m generally a happy person, because I know things could get worse and I love Pomegranate juice with my vodka, LOL!

  20. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:18 am Dawne Strehl Says:

    Gird your loins people. I’m about to spill the gospel, as it were. Tea tastes of Jesus. That’s right, I just blew your minds, (I heard the sharp intakes of breaths from here). but pause, sit thee, rest you and let that sink in.

    There are those through the years who have convinced themselves that their teas have many flavors. Nay, I say. Tea has only one flavor. And it is of the Jesusness. Peace be with you.

  21. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:18 am Lori @ In Pursuit of Martha Points Says:

    Tea flavor?

    Chocolate Awesomeness of Amazitude.

    Yes. That is totally the flavor I would be.

    That is also the flavor of coffee, breakfast cereal and furniture polish I would be, so I’m hanging onto this one in anticipation of future contests.

    And I already follow BBC and MP, so one entry will do me just fine there, ma’am.

  22. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:25 am Susie @newdaynewlesson Says:

    Kindest chocolate and strawberry cream.

  23. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:25 am marie Says:

    tea is awesome. Margarita tea would be awesomer.

    So far, I;ve got one girl and one boy potty trained. Girl was easy, I just plopped the chair in the front room by Dora and ignored her. She won’t do anything I WANT her to do , so I make it seem like it’s her idea. Boy…Boy oh boy. I was at the height of morning sickness for The Babe and he thought up things to do with his poo and pee that The Girl never would. For instance: I could not locate him one sunny afternoon and found him in the driveway, totally naked. “Look, ma! I made a pinacle!” Pinacle is Pine-a cle, the 2 year old equivalent of pine cone. What? Where? Yeah, he pooped right ON the driveway. that kid would pee in the weirdest places and wanted to be like my MIL’s dog, who pees outside. I found him naked more times that i CAN COUNT. Once, when the neighbors were having a graduation party. IN their backyard. He was a hit.

  24. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:33 am Jumblemash Says:

    Your daughter dancing in her pee…priceless! LOL.

    If I were tea, I’d be sugar cookie flavored. I’m sure if any bit into my flesh I’d taste like cookies because that’s pretty much all I ingest. Well that and tea of course 🙂

    I follow you here and on Twitter. I don’t have a Facebook account for Jumble Mash or I’d totally follow you there, too.

  25. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:33 am Mel Says:

    I totally feel your pain. My youngest monkey is finally nearing the end of the potty-training PITA stage, but he has peed so many times in the playroom, because he was clearly MUCH TOO BUSY playing with Thomas the Train, that he just couldn’t peel himself away for A SECOND to pee, in the toilet.

    I am begging The Man to tear it out, and replace it. But alas, since money doesn’t grow on trees, I have to settle trying to ‘clean’ it. Pure bullshit, if you ask me.

    Oh – and I’d totally be Coconut Tea. I have a hard exterior (with fuzz that I work hard to keep removed) and am totally sweet on the inside. And, for the last several years of my life, I was also milky (ala breastfeeding my monkeys). So yes. Coconut.

  26. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:37 am Ms Pink Says:

    Darjeeling! Because black tea is the best 🙂

  27. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:46 am Jolie Says:

    LOVE me some sweet tea. However I’m on south beach, so no dice.
    I was known as the blue jeans girl by my great uncle when I was little. I turned into the flannel queen in HS. I still love me some flannel and jeans, or t’shirt and jeans if the weather is ideal. So I’m gonna have to say I’d be “comfy denim sweet tea” if I were a tea! :o)

  28. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:51 am Tammi Says:

    If I were a tea, I’d be Jose Cuervo tea. Because, like, tequila is one of my best friends.

  29. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:52 am Kathryn Says:

    At the risk of sounding boring, I’d be Earl Grey, specifically Tazo’s Earl Grey (can’t speak for the other brands). At first glance (and first taste) it seems a very serious tea, but upon closer inspection you notice the lively orange-y flavors hidden on in there that really make it a lot of fun!

    Also, hi! I’m Kathryn, and I’m a longtime lurker, first time commenter. Hopefully you’ll see more of me in the future!

  30. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:55 am Rachel Says:

    If bacon were a tea flavor, it would be me. 🙂

  31. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:57 am Tammi Says:

    I friend requested you on Facebook!

  32. On December 7th, 2010 at 11:58 am Becky Says:

    Well if I were a flavored tea I would be hmm……… Vicodin and honey flavored I know vicodin isn’t so much a flavor as an additive but what a kick ass additive for a tea. I suppose you could even substitute vicodin with Xanax if that’s your thing.

  33. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:13 pm Jimmy Says:

    I really wish I could make vicodin tea happen. Really. I guess for now it’s a do-it-yourself kinda addition, like milk or honey. How great would that be?

    Server: “What do you take with your tea?”
    Me: “I’ll take milk and vicodin, please.”

  34. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:06 pm Cat Says:

    Chai. Warm, filling, sweet… So really my polar opposite

  35. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:21 pm rys Says:

    My kinda tea would be Mojito. I get tea like that in the iced variety, but it’s premade. A mojito hot tea would be awesome.

    Oh, and just pray that Amelia doesn’t paint with her crap.

  36. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:22 pm rys Says:

    I follow you on twitter.

  37. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:24 pm rys Says:

    I follow Band Back Together on Twitter.

  38. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:27 pm rys Says:

    I follow Mushroom Printing on Twitter.

  39. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:28 pm Tammi Says:

    I followed Band Back Together on Twitter.

  40. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:29 pm Tammi Says:

    I started followed Mushroom Printing on Twitter a while ago.

  41. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:30 pm Tammi Says:

    And finally, of COURSE I followed YOU, Aunt Becky, on Twitter.

  42. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:30 pm evildoer Says:

    I’d be blood orange and chili tea, and I would only taste good if you were listening to The Cult.

  43. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:32 pm rys Says:

    I threw a friend request on your face.

    I don’t check facebook often anymore, so I didn’t think to friend you there.

  44. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:39 pm Maria Says:

    Pee tap dancing? OMG. Yikes.

    Kiwburst sounds inneresting.

  45. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:40 pm Maria Says:

    I follow you on the twitter

  46. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:40 pm Maria Says:

    I likes you on facebook.

  47. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:43 pm Lindsey Says:

    Did you know that I recently had a delicious drink called The Ice Pick that was sweet tea mixed with vodka? Y.U.M.M.Y! That’s what I would be, if I could be a tea. Make it a Raspberry Ice Pick. That would rock.

    On another note, my daughter wanted to potty train about two months ago. I had to roll up my throw rugs so she didn’t ruin them. After utilizing the three day potty training method, and peeing in the playground at Chick Fil A, she is in diapers again.

  48. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:45 pm Brandi Mantha Says:

    If I were a tea flavor, I’d be violet riot–a mix of violets and lavender and ginger with a black tea base–sweet summer flavor and a jolt of caffeine to keep you going.

  49. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:48 pm Becky Mochaface Says:

    So I’m not much of a fan of flavored tea. Can I be unflavored tea? And have it in no way be a symbol or indication of any kind of my personality and/or general awesomeness?

  50. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:51 pm Amber Says:

    If I was a tea, I think I would be Southern Sweet Iced Tea (I know that is not really a flavor) because I am southern (duh) and I am as sweet as can be, until you piss me off, then I am a cold bitch..LOL 🙂

    check out my blog @

  51. On December 7th, 2010 at 12:59 pm Erin Says:

    I think I’d be one of the Zinger teas. Red Zinger sounds about right. I tend to be a but sarcastic, so I think that fits.

  52. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:04 pm Chris in PHX Says:

    How did you resist rubbing her little nose in it? It worked for my mom..
    If I were a tea, Id like to be “Snappy with a Kick in the Teeth”

  53. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:11 pm Melissa Says:

    Pee dancing! Awesome! I would enter, but I really dont like tea. And everyone I know that DOES like tea wouldnt like vodka infused tea. Can he hook me up with a Teepee? Because THAT would be awesome.

    I already follow you everywhere, I am a total stalker dude.

  54. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:12 pm K Says:

    Your story trumps mine. Squirrel girl peed in the tub, while tasting it she slipped in it and clunked her head. It happened all at once. She was crying and I couldn’t stop laughing.I’m still laughing. My kids are so fucked!
    AS for tea, I would be something regal. Probably earl grey. One must always be prepared in case the Queen comes for tea.

  55. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:36 pm Jersey Girl Gets Real Says:

    Dude you definitely have to remember that and when you are old and she is taking care of you you can pull off YOUR diaper in the middle of HER hallway and pee then dance in it.

    I am living to get old just to pay back my kids just like that 🙂

  56. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:38 pm Jersey Girl Gets Real Says:

    Oh, by the way I would be a spicy flavor if I were a tea…like a red zinger something or other with chocolate thrown in for good measure.

  57. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:51 pm stacey@Havoc&Mayhem Says:

    I’d be marijuana tea. Obviously. Maybe with some hibiscus thrown to give it a little floral kick.

  58. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:55 pm Meg at the Members Lounge Says:

    Spicy, clove/cinnamon type stuff. At least that sounds good while it’s freaking 20 degree outside!

  59. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:56 pm cp3007 Says:

    Once again you’ve made me lol. Actually laugh to myself. At work. People think I’m nuts. Which I am. So my tea would be a vanilla spiced nut. A litle sweet, a little spicey and a little nutty. That’s me!

    Oh, and once you infuse your vodka with the tea, you must try it in some lemonade. Yum!

  60. On December 7th, 2010 at 1:56 pm cp3007 Says:

    Once again you’ve made me lol. Actually laugh to myself. At work. People think I’m nuts. Which I am. So my tea would be a vanilla spiced nut. A litle sweet, a little spicey and a little nutty. That’s me!

    Oh, and once you infuse your vodka with the tea, you must try it in some lemonade. Yum!

  61. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:15 pm karen Says:

    I just love you, Aunt Becky. For the potty that makes all the noise, for the fact that your girl peed on your floor too (erm, I sort of did diaper-freeish with three beastlies, so I’m reliving the puddles right here …) AAAAAND because I just love you.

    I’d be the tea of lurve.

  62. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:16 pm karen Says:

    I’m your bestest on FB

  63. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:17 pm karen Says:

    whilst I don’t really “do” twitter because I have to do SOME housework, I follow yer ass on the twit. I’ll get to Band and Mushies later … if my brain doesn’t fall out of my head first.

  64. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:23 pm Bianca Says:

    If I were a tea I’d be Lemon Balm tea…soothing on the nerves and gives you an overall cheery feeling. :O)

  65. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:46 pm seekingelevation Says:

    I’d be Bitter. Because I am bitter.

  66. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:50 pm seekingelevation Says:

    Oh, and I friend-requested you on FB. But I haven’t followed you on the Twitter, because I can’t remember all of my The Twitter information and because technology scares me (even though I write a blog). If I weren’t so busy chasing after my own daughter’s urine stream, I’d look into that further.

  67. On December 7th, 2010 at 2:59 pm C.M. Says:

    I would definitely, absolutely be Guinness flavoured tea. And the longer this pregnancy goes on–and therefore the longer since I’ve TASTED Guinness–the more I wish that existed as an actual flavour.

  68. On December 7th, 2010 at 3:11 pm pattypunker Says:

    oh my guava! (OMG for short, obvs.)
    orange you glad today? (orange is the color, thereby flavor, of optimism)

  69. On December 7th, 2010 at 3:20 pm Melanie Says:

    Good in Bed? That is awesome. I love tea and vodka. What a fantastic idea!

  70. On December 7th, 2010 at 3:23 pm Sam Says:

    I’d be raspberry because um, it’s sour AND sweet and particularly delicious when topped with whipped cream and/or rum. Just raspberry. Not raspberry tea, because even *I* don’t approve of adding rum to tea. They’re mah favorites but not TOGETHER. And my children are constantly hearing “that is NOT appropriate!” which usually results from spastic naked dancing, usually not in pee, but I can’t say that’s never happened.

  71. On December 7th, 2010 at 4:07 pm Cat Says:

    Chai. Warm, filling, sweet… So really my polar opposite. What’s a bitter, angry tea?

  72. On December 7th, 2010 at 4:29 pm Jen Says:

    I had to take a full week of vacation to potty train my daughter. She’s a stubborn little wench and the only way was the cold turkey method. She would just stop in the middle of whatever she was doing, look at me and let loose… She knew what she was supposed to do, she just chose this as a battleground. It did take the entire week and a lot of carpet stain remover but damn it, I won.

  73. On December 7th, 2010 at 4:48 pm Dominique Says:

    Tea… I would probably be some kind of licorice infusion! Naturally sweet and a little reminder that I looooove a little glass of Ricard after a long day on the job 🙂

  74. On December 7th, 2010 at 4:55 pm Chocolate Diapers Says:

    I’m singin’ in the pee!
    Just singin’ in the pee!
    What a glorious feeling…

  75. On December 7th, 2010 at 4:58 pm kittyn Says:

    Hrmm, you asked about flavor, did you mean generically, or tea?

    Generically, green apple- So yummy, but kicks you in the mouth.

    Tea- Spiced Chai, heavy on/add ginger. Sugary, sweet, smooth, but again, kicks you in the mouth.

    And now I want tea. Damn.

  76. On December 7th, 2010 at 5:01 pm Truthful Mommy Says:

    I think I just peed my own puddle imagining you doing the snoopy dance!Bwahahahaa! My kids did that to me too, so did the dog I stood there helplessly as they pissed my hallway & laughed, then ran away tracking piss throughout because..clearly,I don;t have enough to do:)Happy Mothering!

  77. On December 7th, 2010 at 5:01 pm Ruth Says:

    I friended you on Facebook.

  78. On December 7th, 2010 at 5:04 pm Ruth Says:

    I would be oolong. But do they make decaf oolong, because I’d have to be that? Caffeine makes me crazy.

  79. On December 7th, 2010 at 5:10 pm C Says:

    If I were a tea, I would be a light mint flavor with a touch of pomegranate and/or mango and a splash of honey. We’d have to call it something like Snow Princess.

    The problem with being as obsessed with tea as I am is that I suck at clever responses to these types of things… All I can think is ‘doh…I like tea..’

  80. On December 7th, 2010 at 5:20 pm pam Says:

    I’d be Sleepy Time tea because…well I’m sleepy.

  81. On December 7th, 2010 at 5:37 pm KaraB Says:

    Mmmm alcohol tea. Toasty and warm and uh…alcholy. Kinda lost where I was going on that. Anyway, I’d be peppermint chocolate or something mixed with chocolate because mmmm chocolate.
    So on the Amelia thing, maybe cover the floor with puppy pads? No clue, I feel for you though!

  82. On December 7th, 2010 at 5:39 pm Twitch Says:

    If I were a tea… I’d be Snarky-sauce… sounds more like gravy than tea… which only makes me want to drink it more.

  83. On December 7th, 2010 at 7:47 pm Kathryn Says:

    Facebook friend request sent!

  84. On December 7th, 2010 at 8:05 pm Kiera Says:

    I would be the flavor of silence. Because when you’ve got kids, there’s nothing more delicious than that. And nothing makes a better mixer for vodka!

  85. On December 7th, 2010 at 8:55 pm Kiera Says:

    My comment sounds like it was written by a robot? Because I am definitely not a robot…

  86. On December 7th, 2010 at 8:18 pm Jack Says:

    Dancing in my Pee tea has a certain ring to it.

  87. On December 7th, 2010 at 8:20 pm Kristin Says:

    If I were tea, I’d be a chocolate tea with a hint of cayenne pepper ’cause I’m sweet (bwahahahaha) and spicy.

  88. On December 7th, 2010 at 8:21 pm Kristin Says:

    I follow you on twitter as @dragondream.

  89. On December 7th, 2010 at 8:21 pm Kristin Says:

    I follow Band Back Together on twitter as @dragondream.

  90. On December 7th, 2010 at 8:22 pm Kristin Says:

    I follow Mushroom Printing on twitter as @dragondream.

  91. On December 7th, 2010 at 8:22 pm Kristin Says:

    I’m your stalkerfriend on facebook.

  92. On December 7th, 2010 at 8:52 pm Monica Smith Says:

    If I were a tea it would be called CRS tea because I can’t remember sh*t!! The flavor would be something spicy to snap me back to reality.

  93. On December 7th, 2010 at 9:12 pm Tiffany D. Says:

    I would love to say something exotic like mango, but it’s more likely I’d be something incredibly normal and comforting like English Breakfast.

  94. On December 7th, 2010 at 9:13 pm Tiffany D. Says:

    I follow you on twitter as bookgirl83

  95. On December 7th, 2010 at 9:13 pm Tiffany D. Says:

    I follow Band Back Together as bookgirl83

  96. On December 7th, 2010 at 9:14 pm Tiffany D. Says:

    I sent you an invite to become Facebook friends!

  97. On December 7th, 2010 at 9:39 pm The Duchess Says:

    I’d be a mothafuckin’ LONG BEACH TEA, bitches! ‘Cause it looks all pink & innocent, then WHAM kicks your ass outta NOWHERE. hehehe

  98. On December 8th, 2010 at 12:09 am K-Crump Says:

    Tea flavor: Vicodin infused Vodkaberry

  99. On December 8th, 2010 at 12:09 am K-Crump Says:

    Tea flavor: Vicodin infused Vodkaberry

  100. On December 8th, 2010 at 1:42 am Peter Says:

    If I were a tea flavor I’d be black coffee tea. Chicory coffee on Sundays and holidays, all the time if I could afford it.

    I do agree, though, that tea bags are bullshit, only because they aren’t coffee. Did I win? Can I have coffee or the kinky sex that we don’t have at home since we got so damned old instead of tea? I don’t much care for tea.

    The potty training? Just raise that kid to want to have several boy babies. You can then have plenty to laugh at when you are a grandmother.

  101. On December 8th, 2010 at 2:19 am Katya Says:

    Okay, so, my DD decided one day to refuse to take a nap at naptime. After about a half hour of listening to her on the baby monitor not-sleeping, I went in to check on her:

    Not only had she gotten into her diaper… and its contents… she had decided it was a perfect painting medium! Yep! Poop smeared all over her, the crib, the wall above the crib… Yeah… fun…

    Then, like a week later? SHE DID IT AGAIN!!!

    So, she’s 6 now and aside from the occasional damp bedsheets in the morning she’s well potty-trained. I’m saving the story for her first boyfriend. I expect it will be especially entertaining when told in sign language. 🙂

    Oh, and tea is not really my “bag” (OMG I’m gonna kick myself in the nuts for that one) but if I was making a tea flavor, I’d infuse it with wacky tobacky, vicodin, and probably some kind of chocolate. And it would be strong enough to be served as a shot like Chinese tea so I wouldn’t have to sip it since I don’t much like tea but I’d get SUPER fucked up. Oh, and purple. Because Purple IS A FUCKING FLAVOR DAMMIT!

  102. On December 8th, 2010 at 5:02 am SmugMama Says:

    I would be something like almond or vanilla – comforting and simple – that’s me – wait… simple?? Maybe not!!

  103. On December 8th, 2010 at 6:45 am Nia Says:

    Beer tea. That’s me.

  104. On December 8th, 2010 at 9:11 am Maria Says:

    Not sure I’d get any tea shipped to Sweden. But I suppose I could do with extra strenght Dammitol flavour. 🙂

    Also. What’s with all the notes about following and friending, and whatnot? I mean, by all means, do, but why is it also posted as comments? Is that some automatic feature?

    And pottytraining. I had forgotten, but the memory came back… of my daughter not peeing, but pooping in the tub. Cue quick pickup of baby, sanitation of tub, and lather – rinse – repeat of baby girl.

    On other end of spectrum, son wouldn’t have baths until … oh four years old? Until then, he’d *stand* in two inches of water, be wiped with a washcloth for cleaning, while screaming. Once, I had to give him a shower while visiting friends, so warned them… He really screamed bloody murder while I had a death grip on his arm not to let him slip and fall in the dangerous luke warm liquid. You know these scenes from poor african villages, where a mother holds her kid under a pump at a well, by the upper arm, and the kid screams to get away. Like that. After a year or so, he didn’t scream so much, but would whimper to himself, “no danger, no danger” in his little baby words.

  105. On December 8th, 2010 at 10:19 am Kiera Says:

    Aaaaand we’ll be friends on facebook once you accept my friend request.

  106. On December 8th, 2010 at 10:21 am Kiera Says:

    Following mushroom printing!

  107. On December 8th, 2010 at 10:29 am Dora Says:

    Amelia can’t be ready for potty training! She’s just a widdle baby. (A widdle baby tap dancing in weewee! Hilarious!) Damn, time does fly. I mean REALLY, how can I possibly have a one year old?

    As for tea flavor, ummm, I need coffee. Sunshine has her first ear infection. I’ve hardly slept the last three nights.

  108. On December 8th, 2010 at 11:37 am Lana | RaisedbyPoker Says:

    Lamb. I’d be lamb flavored tea, which is better than being spam flavored, but only slightly IMO.

  109. On December 8th, 2010 at 11:51 am Tiffany @ MomNom Says:

    With every post, I fall more and more in love with that Amelia. Gah, I love e some pee-puddlin’ dance moves!

  110. On December 8th, 2010 at 11:57 am Ashley Says:

    Right now my flavor would be, um, alfredo. Because I just had an enormous bowl of pasta for lunch. It had broccoli in it, too, which means my aroma for the rest of the day is going to be quite fragrant. You’re welcome.

  111. On December 8th, 2010 at 12:25 pm Kat Says:

    I’d be awesomesauce tea. Because I am. No modesty here!

  112. On December 8th, 2010 at 8:35 pm bashtree Says:

    Oh my. You’re in for some fun.

    If I were a flavor, I’d be chamomile. Part mild, part classic, and really kind of boring. I love it.

  113. On December 8th, 2010 at 8:36 pm bashtree Says:

    I follow you on le twitter! (@bashtree)

  114. On December 8th, 2010 at 8:37 pm bashtree Says:

    I follow bbt on twitter!

  115. On December 8th, 2010 at 8:37 pm bashtree Says:

    I follow MP on the twitter too (surprise)

  116. On December 8th, 2010 at 8:37 pm bashtree Says:

    we are totes facebook friends too 🙂

  117. On December 9th, 2010 at 6:59 pm Misty Says:

    If I were a tea flavor, I’d probably end up being “Nutballs” or something. I’d end up tasting earthy with a hint of nuts. You be the judge of what kind of NUTS I’d be. My husband has his theories…

  118. On December 9th, 2010 at 11:20 pm Aurora Says:

    I would FrumpyMochaMint . A Full Bodied Black tea with a sassy and mouth Herbal infusion of Vanilla and Chocolate with a HINT of Mint to keep me balanced 🙂 Best of Both Worlds with Vanilla and Chocolate 🙂

  119. On December 10th, 2010 at 8:59 am AuntieEmBabes Says:

    I’d be chai vodka tea. Spicy, warm, and boozy – that’s me

    and I swearz I’ll finish the Bozo pictures for you someday, I have one so far, but I think I need a whole photo essay for maximum crazypantsness

  120. On December 13th, 2010 at 10:14 pm nicole Says:

    If I was a flavor, i would be that miserable trash tea you find in the sodey fountain at the gas station. all the lovely sweetness of mouth rot beverage, but with the illusion of health (i’m not opposed to health, it just seems like SUCH a commitment. I mean, seriosly, wtf is this, an intervention?). its sugar, and a white trash pat on the back, in 64 oz size, because i am a sugar whore. a big giant sugar whore who takes every opportunity to pat herself on the back (drinking healthy? fuck yeah, thats right)

  121. On December 14th, 2010 at 1:33 pm Cerahsee Says:

    if I were a flavor of tea, I would be “Dammit Freshmen! STFU! Tea” It’s a very full bodied tea that tastes of the tears of small children and crushed hopes.

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