Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

I Drink Alone


I am currently in the running for dumbest injuries ever sustained.

1) I sprained my ankle walking down the stairs in my old condo. Walking leisurely, mind you, I was not running quickly nor was I saving any cute and cuddly kittens from a burning building.

2) I scratched my cornea doing absolutely nothing whatsoever.

3) And today I strained my back spackling the wall in the bathroom. SPACKLING a wall. And no, it wasn’t a wall designed to rescue cute and cuddly kittens from being crushed by it.

If this keeps going, I may soon injure my taint while sleeping.

posted under Uncle Pervy
2 Comments to

“I Drink Alone”

  1. On September 5th, 2010 at 1:12 am Rusty Brown Says:

    “If this keeps going, I may soon injure my taint while sleeping.”

    I have found you (and am following your blog via GoogleFC) through an exhaustive, elliptical, and circumlocutious fashion – Hyperbole and a Half to Cake Wrecks to…well, you get the idea. After reading the first ten pages of your wonderful blog (and I WILL buy my Mother one of your Awesome shirts for her birthday) I decided to “start at the beginning.” Why doesn’t WordPress or any of the other blogpub tools give us the option to sort by date?

    Anyhow, I have managed to maintain bladder control…until I got to that line from your “I Drink Alone” post. Amazed, I am, that no one has previously commented. You rock, Aunt Becky!


  2. On September 5th, 2010 at 9:14 am Your Aunt Becky Says:

    Bwahaha! I think this was an import of an old post from my first blog, Mushroom Printing. It’s been resurrected as a group blog, but the posts I’d written back then were imported here then wiped from that blog.

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