Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Geek Squad!


In case anyone wants to email me, which is totally rad by me, even if it IS to tell me how stupid I am, my email is currently down. Which includes my address book.

Thanks to my trusty geek, however, the situation has been immediately rectified. I have a brand-spankin’ new address to be immediately filled with spam (why YES, my girlfriend IS sad because my penis is too small and keeps slipping out! Thank you for noticing, spamalot!)

If you are someone who I regularly email (and even if you’re not), you can assume that I do not have access to my address book. This makes me sad. What if Don Msurhstasthey @ supercolon blow cannot access me? WHATEVER WILL I DO THEN???

Please, PLEASE, for the love of Baby Jesus, email me:

becky (at) dwink (dot) net

I will love you for ever and ever and ever if you do.

And you can put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

posted under The Sausage Factory

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