Further Proof That There Really IS Someone Out There For Everyone
Me: You know, someday when I die, if I get reincarnated or whatever…
Daver: Yeah?
Me: I want to come back as The Village Idiot.
Daver: It’s good to have such high goals, Becky.
Awww, that’s to sweet. Someone who just gets ya! He sounds like a keeper!
Husbands . . .
What would we do without em’? 🙂
LOL. You are hysterical….and lucky to have the Daver.
Becky… Gotta love the husband! HEHE
I want to come back as Ryan Seacrest
Seriously Mother Fuckin’ Hysterical.
I’m laughing outloud at my desk.
thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU for the laugh!
I loves my Aunt Becky and the Daver!
My first choice is to come back as Invisible Man, but if this is not possible, I would want to come back as my wife so that I can experience her luck…LOL
Heh…sweet. Ain’t love grand?
I’d come back as one of my cats – sit about in puddles of sun all day, be petted on a regular basis, have piles of yearn and fabric to nest in…what a life!
Shade and Sweetwater,
K, who really isn’t the crazy cat lady…yet…
That should have said “yarn”, not “yearn”. I swear, it was right when I wrote it. Stupid letter gremlins…
I thought you said reincarcerated. 1st the birth control, now prison. I thought we were best friends, what else don’t I know about you? I am a moron though.
too cute.
thanks for sweet post. I needed that.
I’d come back as Paris Hilton. Being famous just because you’re rich and slutty – that’s hot!
Plus I’d get to carry Chihuahas around with me everywhere I go and I don’t know what would be more fun than that.
If it’s based off of what you’ve done in this life, I’m coming back as a toilet brush. Also, I’m pretty sure I was a cat in one of my former lives.
The Daver is kind of a good guy, hey?
It really is a high goal, cause you’d have to beat out my exhusband and all…
You goob!
My husband would have said, “You ARE the village idiot.” 🙂
Lucky duck. ::sigh::
This so sounds like a normal conversation in my house… scary…
I think I may already be the village idiot. Goal accomplished.