Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Another Reason Facebook Deserves A Big Fat Dislike Button


Or a mushroom print.

I know I’m MIA today, but I wrote this. It needs your sweet, sweet Prankster love.

Hopefully I’ll be able to crawl back from my January cave soon. This month is bullshit, Pranksters.

9 Comments to

“Another Reason Facebook Deserves A Big Fat Dislike Button”

  1. On January 13th, 2012 at 6:09 pm Brandon Says:

    I didn’t know you wrote for… I’m going to go there now, and show you some lovin!

  2. On January 13th, 2012 at 6:29 pm Mayor Gia Says:

    SAY IT ISN’T SO! Oh well. They may have lost me with the timeline. We’ll see.

  3. On January 13th, 2012 at 10:07 pm Kate Says:

    It sounds like you need AdBlock Plus. Here’s the link for the chrome extension, if you use chrome.

    I know Firefox has it too. It doesn’t get rid of everything, but at least most of the ads on the side of facebook are gone. It gets rid of a lot. But things like your banner for your Aunt Becky tees are still visible. 🙂

  4. On January 13th, 2012 at 11:26 pm Mrs. One Day Says:

    Soon there will be ads that pop up when we pee!

  5. On January 14th, 2012 at 12:02 am rebecca Says:

    right there with you, sister. january is killing me too, and it is not even that bad here. hopefully this thing lifts soon, eh?

  6. On January 14th, 2012 at 5:45 am Jolie Says:

    January sucks for sure, but it’s only 31 days. Ads suck 365 days. How about outlawing radio ads that include sirens? I see that as a DRIVING HAZARD YOU MORONS! And I also think the gas provider that is “associated” with my electric provider should be smacked for sending me junk mail that looks like it’s from my power co. Trickery will only bring hatred. Finally, my children currently “Love that song!” which is actually a commercial on the radio. *sigh* Hang in there AB.

  7. On January 14th, 2012 at 9:07 am Sunny Delaney Says:

    Right there with you AB, January, like pants, are Bullshit. Hope we all feel better soon!

  8. On January 14th, 2012 at 2:46 pm Rich Says:

    Not only do I hate January, but the entire fucking winter. I should’ve stayed in Vegas, I hate cold and snow!

  9. On January 14th, 2012 at 8:08 pm Evil Twin's Wife Says:

    January is my worst month too. Our soon to be 14 yr old son was born 3 mos. premature on Jan. 21. He weighed 2lbs, 5oz. Then, our daughter was born by scheduled c/s on Feb. 2. (I wanted that amethyst stone!) They’re both Aquarians, so I got a tattoo of the symbol of Aquarius, and used both the garnet and amethyst colors with their initials and bdays. Now, I wear January proudly. (you can see my tattoo, my fifth, on my FB page) 🙂

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