Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

Wii Wants YOU.


Let the record show once and for all that I am not a Video Game Person ™. You’d never know this by the vast amount of video game systems that currently reside with us, though, as the two oldest males in my home are obsessed. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me much unless I’m trying to have some sort of conversation with either of them while they are trying to “beat this guy! C’mon Mom/Becky! THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!” With as self-centered as I happen to be, I cannot believe that ANYONE wouldn’t want to hang onto my every word (truthfully, I also cannot believe that video games are EVER “important.” Bring on the hatemail, people.), so this tends to offend me.

Several months ago, we happened upon a Wii, which thrilled and delighted both Dave and Ben. Overall, I think that it’s pretty neat and I even have a game that I occasionally play (go Elebits!), and Dave wouldn’t admit it but I can totally whup him in bowling.

Ben had his best friend over yesterday, and he mentioned that we had a Wii. Bad move, BAD, BAD move, as I am pretty sure that this child is never going to leave my home again. Suddenly, I may have to resort to ninja-like stealth to enter and exit my house so that I don’t have to sit, watch, and mediate golf and bowling and somehow figure out how the hell to work the damn box. Because, Lord knows, a game isn’t nearly as awesome without an adult watching it and cheering vigorously for both children WHILE troubleshooting something I know nothing about.

His friend even suggested offhandedly that the Wii could perhaps come over to HIS house when Ben wasn’t at home. You know, in case it got lonely and needed another 6 year old boy to keep it company. It was with great pleasure that I informed him that Dave might cry without it.

This child’s school lets out a bit before Ben’s does, and man, I tell you, I’m going to have to barricade myself in the basement and turn on some tuneage to block out the doorbell and subsequet weeping and pleading.

posted under The Sausage Factory
2 Comments to

“Wii Wants YOU.”

  1. On October 29th, 2007 at 1:39 pm niobe Says:

    Maybe Ben *and* the Wii could go for a visit to his friend’s house. Because I’m sure his friend’s mother feels deprived of the opportunity to supervise Wii games.

  2. On October 29th, 2007 at 1:47 pm becky Says:

    Niobe, you’re speaking my language. I think this may be exactly what I do….

    (cue evil laughter)

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