Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

But Today I Am Still Just A Bill.


I’m in a total fog today, which I am attibuting to my wonky thyroid. The baby slept well last night, and yet I am still exhausted and full of The Laze. I cannot seem to get my ass off of the couch to do anything, and it’s driving me completely bonkers.

To compound matters further, Alex seems to be completely immersed in some nasty attatchment issues, so I cannot physically be farther away than two feet at any point in time, because I might disappear for good! Forever! Which in his mind is about thirty-five seconds. It’s very sweet and completely heartwarming most of the time, but sometimes, I just have to go to the bathroom, kid. Alone.

What I need to do is to get off my duff and make an appointment with an endocrinologist, but that would be facing my biggest fears: I am not suffering from an underactive thyroid, but actually full of The Crazy. THEN where would I be?

Stupid hormones.

4 Comments to

“But Today I Am Still Just A Bill.”

  1. On October 22nd, 2007 at 2:51 pm becky Says:

    Thanks, dude. You keep reminding me of that, okay?

  2. On October 22nd, 2007 at 2:59 pm Pauline Says:

    You’re not full of the crazy. No more than the rest of us. It’s just your hormones. I’ll keep telling you that. Hang in there.

  3. On October 22nd, 2007 at 5:04 pm Ashley Says:

    I think you are full of the crzy…but it is the fun kind of crazy…like the kind that makes you understand what in the hell I am talking about 🙂

  4. On October 22nd, 2007 at 7:30 pm becky Says:

    Thanks, duder. That makes me feel better.

    You guys are sexxy.

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