Mommy Wants Vodka

…Or A Mail-Order Bride

And Though She’s Not Really Ill, There’s A Little Yellow Pill


I am one of the most impatient people that I have ever met. I remember when I was pregnant with either (or both, really) of my children, I had the WORST time waiting to meet them (and worrying, of course, always the worry). Someone told me that you NEED 9 months to prepare yourself for the birth of a child, but I don’t buy that. I need about a week and a half. Weight should come off at a rate of AT LEAST 10 pounds per week, bank accounts should miraculously replenish themselves, and Thai food should take about 2 seconds to prepare and be delivered.

Today is the day I’ve been anxiously awaiting for over a month (which is a terribly long time when you’re feeling like dog poo); I’m finally going to the Endocrinologist. And I’m scared shitless for absolutely no real reasons whatsoever. I’m afraid that my thyroid will be completely WNL and all of the symptoms I’ve been having can neatly be explained away by having finally caught The Crazy. I’m terrified that the doctor won’t take me and my issues seriously enough. And I fear that because this is a holiday week, my lab results will take forever, thereby delaying the treatment that could help me feel more human again.

It’s dumb, because it’s not like worrying and stressing about any of these things will change the outcome in any way. I will get treatment or I will not.

On the up side of down, at the very least, I will not have to collect my poop in a jar again. There is nothing in the world as having to not only collect your own feces BUT THEN having to drop them off at a lab, knowing full well that some poor tech is going to have to go fishing in there. And that, my friends, is a story for another day.

So tell me, what do YOU do when you’re worrying yourself in circles?

posted under I'm Big In Japan
4 Comments to

“And Though She’s Not Really Ill, There’s A Little Yellow Pill”

  1. On November 20th, 2007 at 12:54 pm Ashley Says:

    Please tell the saving the poop story. It’s one of my all time favorites!!! And good luck…

  2. On November 20th, 2007 at 12:55 pm Pauline Says:

    Becky, Eat lots of chocolate (or whatever other comfort food you have). Take deep breaths. Think of happy things-like beaches, puppies, cute babies. Whatever makes you peaceful. Hang in there. I know the feeling. I always try to tell myself, knowing is better than not knowing-whatever the outcome. My fingers are crossed for you, babe!

  3. On November 20th, 2007 at 2:25 pm Karen Says:

    I am sending you some good vibes for your appointment. However when I am worried about something, I ususally try to avoid all human contact because I am guaranteed to rip someone’s head off. Instead of eating, I generally go for a cocktail – or a few shots of something hard. But don’t show up to the doctor sloshed or anything – I’ll feel guilty if you do.

  4. On November 20th, 2007 at 2:20 pm becky Says:

    Thanks, Ashley, I will. Maybe tomorrow. A little poop humor for Thanksgiving! I’m going to have to find that song Mike found…

    And Pauline, I may devour an entire McDonalds today. I’m not an emotional eater, but the familar grease and garbage of Micky-D’s always seems to bring a smile to my face.

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